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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


Senate Democrats Press Biden to Establish a Bold, Public Framework for Establishing a Palestinian State

 March 21, 2024

Dozens of former U.S. officials urge Biden to take harder line with Israel


Senator Tom Carper led a group of 19 Democratic senators in urging
President Biden to establish a framework for establishing a Palestinian
State, March 20, 2024 hill (This photo was taken earlier, on March 14, 2024)
Israeli theft of Palestinian lands, known in media and politics as illegal settlements, 1947-2006
104 Palestinian civilians were killed, 162 were injured in 10 massacres
committed in Gaza Strip by Israeli occupation air strikes and
bombardment, on March 20, 2024
Palestinian civilians were stripped of clothes and some of them executed by Israeli occupation forces at Al-Shifa hospital, in Gaza, on March 18-19, 2024


Senate Democrats press Biden to establish two-state solution for Israel, Palestine

Story by Alexander Bolton

The Hill, March 20, 2024

A group of 19 Democratic senators led by Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) have sent a letter to President Biden urging his administration to establish a “bold, public framework” for establishing a two-state solution recognizing a “nonmilitarized Palestinian state” after the (Israeli genocidal) war on Gaza.

The senators argue that Biden needs to “reignite U.S. leadership on a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

“We call on you to publicly outline a path for the United States to recognize a nonmilitarized Palestinian state,” they wrote.

The letter comes amid mounting Democratic concern over civilian casualties in the (Israeli genocidal war on Gaza) and reports that (the entire population, including) children are suffering from starvation and malnutrition because humanitarian supplies have been blocked by the fighting.

“Given the severity of the current crisis, this moment requires determined U.S. leadership that must move beyond facilitation,” the senators wrote.

“As such, we request the Biden Administration promptly establish a bold, public framework outlining the steps necessary for the U.S. to recognize a nonmilitarized Palestinian state, which includes the West Bank and Gaza, to be governed by a revitalized and reformed Palestinian Authority,” they said.

Democratic Sens. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.), Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Chris Coons (Del.), Dick Durbin (Ill.), Martin Heinrich (N.M.), Mazie Hirono (Hawaii), Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), Ed Markey (Mass.), Jeff Merkley (Ore.), Chris Murphy (Conn.), Brian Schatz (Hawaii), Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.), Tina Smith (Minn.), Chris Van Hollen (Md.), Raphael Warnock (Ga.), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), Peter Welch (Vt.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) also signed the letter.

It comes a few days after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in American history, delivered a landmark speech on the Senate floor reaffirming his support for a two-state solution to achieve peace in Israel and Palestine.

Schumer also called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu an “obstacle to peace” and urged Israelis to hold new elections.

The senators who signed the letter to Biden said his administration should put forth a framework for peace that includes a set of governmental and institutional reforms to the Palestinian Authority.

They specifically want to reform the Palestinian Authority’s education, judicial and security systems, and combat corruption and incitement to violence in Palestinian territories.

They say that any Palestinian Authority that is to govern the West Bank and Gaza must reaffirm its recognition of the state of Israel and adopt a mandate that Palestinian government ministers and senior officials accept the principle of two states and renounce (the Palestinian liberation movement), Hamas, and all activity (resistance to the Israeli occupation)!

The senators also called on Biden to “lead and push the Israeli government” to limit violence against Palestinians by (the illegal) Jewish settlers in the West Bank.

They wrote that they “have been particularly disappointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s refusal to engage on a path to a Palestinian state” and urged the administration to press the Israeli government to end home demolitions and evictions of Palestinians from their property in the West Bank.

They want an end to Israeli settlement planning and construction in the (Palestinian territory of the) West Bank, a release of customs revenues to the Palestinian Authority and the reactivation of work permits for Palestinians to enter Israel from the West Bank.

“By providing a roadmap for U.S. recognition of a Palestinian state, the United States can set a path to finally realizing a two-state solution and reinvigorate conversations towards a comprehensive regional peace plan,” the senators wrote, asserting it would be in the best interest of both Palestinians and “our ally Israel.”

Senate Democrats press Biden to establish two-state solution for Israel, Palestine (


Dozens of former U.S. officials urge Biden to take harder line with Israel

Story by Reuters, March 20, 2024

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -

Nearly 70 former U.S. officials, diplomats and military officers on Wednesday urged President Joe Biden to warn Israel of serious consequences if it denies civil rights and basic necessities to Palestinians and expands settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.

"The United States must be willing to take concrete action to oppose" such practices, the group said in an open letter to Biden, "including restrictions on provision of (U.S.) assistance (to Israel) consistent with U.S. law and policy."

Among the signatories were more than a dozen former ambassadors, as well as other retired State Department officials and former Pentagon, intelligence and White House officials, including Anthony Lake, a national security adviser to former President Bill Clinton.

The letter underscored rising dismay in the United States over Israeli operations against the Gaza Strip's ruling Hamas militants ignited by their Oct. 7 rampage into southern Israel in which they killed some 1,200 people and took 253 hostages.

Much of Gaza has been destroyed and nearly 32,000 Palestinians killed, according to Gaza health authorities. The United Nations says the population of 2.3 million has little food, water and shelter, and food shortages in parts exceed famine levels.

In its letter, the group said that an Israeli military operation against Hamas was "necessary and justified."

But Israel's operations "have been marked by repeated violations" of international law banning indiscriminate killing and the use of weapons that do not permit discrimination between combatants and civilians, the group said.

"Tens of thousands of Gazan civilians have been killed, the majority of whom are women and children," the group said. "Civilian killings of this nature and magnitude cannot be justified."

Israel denies that its operations breach international law.

The group said that it strongly backs Biden's call for an immediate truce of at least six weeks, the establishment of a reliable humanitarian aid delivery system, and the release of hostages.

The signatories also called on the Israeli military to implement rules of engagement consistent with international law.

(Reporting by Jonathan Landay; Editing by Stephen Coates)

Dozens of former U.S. officials urge Biden to take harder line with Israel (



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