Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, January 2024


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


On Day 91 of the US-Backed Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Strip, 15 Massacres, 162 Palestinians Killed, 296 Injured, with a Death Toll of  22,600 and 57,910 Injuries

January 5, 2024 


Editor's Notes:  

Here are some initial (not final) statistics, which show the Israeli war crimes against humanity, during the current Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip:  

By January 5, 2024, the initial death toll of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip is 29,600+.   

This includes the accounted for deaths (22,600) and those who are still missing under the rubble (Corrected on December 23, 2023: 7,000+).   

By January 5, 2024, the documented injuries exceeded 57,910 (revised), and more than 2,520 civilians have been abducted from Gaza Strip (80 mutilated corpses were returned on 12/27/23).

By January 4, 2023, the death toll included 9,730+ children and 6,830+ women. 

By January 5, 2024, there were 325 Palestinians who were killed, 3,544 who were injured, and 4,965, who were abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, since October 7, 2023.

About 12,091 Palestinians, from both the West Bank and Gaza, have been detained in 2023. About half of them were detained after October 7. This included 1,085 children and 300 women.

The total number of detainees in the occupation prisons until the end of December was 8,800, and the number of administrative detainees was 3,291.


By December 27 2023,  there was a complete destruction of 65,000+ housing units, and a partial destruction of 290,000+ housing units (60% of Gaza housing units). This forced about 1.5 million people to become homeless, taking refuge in crowded UN schools and ultimately sleeping in the streets.  

The Israeli refusal to allow international aid caravans to enter Gaza freely led the Palestinian population to be on the verge of mass extermination for the lack of food, water, medicine, and fuel.  

By January 4, 2024, 326 health personnel and 97 journalists were killed and hundreds were injured, 121 ambulances were destroyed while on duty, killing and injuring their crews, and destroyed 150 health institutions. As a result of the strikes and lack of fuel, 30 hospitals and 53 primary care centers are not functioning. In addition, 99 health personnel have been abducted by the invading Israeli occupation forces.

Meanwhile, 126 government offices and 92 schools and universities were completely destroyed, while 285 schools and universities were partially damaged.

115 mosques were completely destroyed, while 200 others were partially damaged, in addition to three churches.


Dozens of civilian casualties in Gaza as Israel's genocide marks 91 days, January 5, 2024 Palestinian high school student, Osayd Tariq
Al-Rimawi, 17, was killed by Israeli occupation
soldiers in Bait Rima, January 4, 2024
In 15 massacres committed by Israeli occupation forces against families in the Gaza Strip, 162 civilians were killed, 296 were wounded, on January 5, 2024 A Palestinian father grieving the death of his child,
who was killed in an Israeli genocidal air strike on
Gaza Strip, January 5, 2024

Only 15,000 Palestinian Muslim worshipers prayed at Al-Aqsa Mosque, due to Israeli restrictions, January 5, 2024

 Palestinian journalist, Akram Al-Sha'afei, succumbed to his wounds which he sustained earlier by fire from Israeli occupation soldiers in Gaza city, January 6, 2024 pic
Neighbors looking for victims buried under rubble after an Israeli genocidal air strike on Abu 'Hammouda house, in Dair El-Bala'h, central Gaza Strip January 3, 2024 Bidding farewell to the loved ones who were killed by Israeli genocidal air strikes on Rafa'h, south of Gaza Strip, January 5, 2024

ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóÜٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

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"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).

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In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).

"If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, (you do it) to yourselves" (Al-Isra, 17: 7). 


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus, peace be upon him, started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

This is a necessary brief background to understand the US-Backed Zionist Israeli continuous wars against the Arab nation generally, and the Palestinian people in particular, which included the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, the brutal crushing of the two Uprisings (1987-1993 and 2000-2004), 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and the current genocidal war on Gaza, which has culminated a blockade of Gaza since 2007. In addition, the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime launched so many covert operations, raids, and air strikes on many Arab states since 1948.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic names as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.

Click here for more about using the apostrophe and the underlining of letters in the transliteration of Arabic names.


GMO: 107 journalists killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023

Saturday 6-January-2024, GAZA, (PIC)

The death toll of journalists killed in the Gaza Strip since the start of the Israeli aggression on October 7 has risen to 107, the Government Media Office (GMO) revealed on Friday.

The number of journalists killed during the Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip has risen to 107 after the killing of journalist Akram Al-Sha'afei, GMO affirmed.

Al-Sha'afei, 53, succumbed to the wounds that he sustained by Israeli gunfire when he tried to return to inspect his house northwest of Gaza City two months ago.

He remained in the Al-Shifa Hospital for more than two months, suffering from a serious injury to the abdomen, until he breathed his last earlier today.

His health situation seriously deteriorated after the Israeli forces broke into Al-Shifa Hospital in mid-November, as he was left without medical treatment for more than two weeks due to the arrest of medical staff.

He was later transferred to another hospital south of the Gaza Strip along with other injured people, but his health situation kept deteriorating till his death.

Safa media agency extended its sincere condolences to Al-Sha'afei’s family over his loss, vowing to complete exposing Israeli crimes. 



Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

On January 5, 2024, Dr. Ashraf Al-Qidra, the Spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment on Gaza Strip resulted in 15 massacres, in which  162 Palestinian civilians were killed, and 296 were injured, in the past 24 hours. This increased the death toll in Gaza Strip to 22,600 and the injuries to 57,910, since October 7, 2023 (Note: Palestine Information Center).  


162 Palestinians killed over the past 24 hours in Gaza

Friday 5-January-2024, GAZA, (PIC)

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed 15 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, claiming the lives of 162 civilians and wounding 296 others, over the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry in Gaza revealed on Friday.

The Ministry of Health said, in a press statement, “The death toll of the Israeli aggression has risen to 22,600 martyrs and 57,910 wounded since the seventh of October.”

Spokesman for the Health Ministry, Ashraf Al-Qidra, said in a press conference that 70% of the victims of the Israeli aggression are children and women.

Al-Qidra said that the Israeli occupation army has killed in Gaza 326 health personnel and continues to kidnap 99 medical professionals, while 121 ambulances were destroyed.

Spokesman Al-Qidra also said that the Israeli army deliberately targeted 150 health facilities in Gaza, put 30 hospitals and 54 medical centers out of service.

He appealed to UN institutions to work immediately on protecting the health system and its staff in Gaza, sending medical teams, and setting up field hospitals.

The IOF has been intensively targeting the vicinity of Nasser Medical Complex, he said, warning of repeating the same scenario as what happened to Al-Shifa Medical Complex.

Al-Qidra also called on international institutions to take effective and urgent steps to ensure the protection of Nasir Medical Complex, its personnel, the wounded, patients, and thousands of displaced people there.

He finally appealed to international institutions to urgently intervene to re-operate the Al-Shifa Medical Complex.


Casualties in Israeli airstrikes on Khan Younus

KHAN YOUNuS, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

At least one Palestinian civilian was killed and several others sustained serious injuries today in an Israeli airstrike that targeted a group of civilians in Khan Younus, in the southern Gaza Strip, according to medical sources.

Israeli drones launched at least one missile towards a group of civilians near the European Hospital in the city, resulting in the murder of one individual and injuries to others.

Since the early hours of this morning, Israeli occupation forces have intensified their targeting of the surroundings of several hospitals, including the European Hospital and the Al-Amal Hospital, the latter being affiliated with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, as well as the Nasser Medical Complex.

The intensive Israeli shelling also targeted the Intensive Care Unit at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Hospital in Dair El-Bala'h, central Gaza.

Meantime, a number of civilians, predominantly women and children, were injured in an Israeli airstrike that targeted a residence in the Jourat Al-Aqqad quarter in Khan Younus.

Additionally, warplanes carried out airstrikes on residential homes and apartments belonging to families, including the Muslim and Al-Bardini families, in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza, resulting in dozens of injuries.

The town of Khuza'a, east of Khan Younus, also witnessed intense shelling by the Israeli artillery.



Over 13 Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes on Jabalya, Khan Younus

GAZA, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

At least 13 Palestinians were killed this morning in a barrage of Israeli airstrikes targeting the Jabalya refugee camp and the city of Khan Younus in the Gaza Strip, as the Israeli genocide campaign on the enclave marks its 91st consecutive day.

In northern Gaza, five civilians were reported killed as Israeli drones targeted the Al-Falouja Cemetery west of the Jabalya refugee camp. The Israeli attacks also resulted in massive property destruction.

Meantime, the Israeli occupation forces continued its aerial and artillery bombardment on residential homes, buildings, and the tents of displaced in Khan Younus, in the southern Gaza Strip. The latest attacks resulted in the confirmed death of at least eight civilians and injuries to several others since the early hours of the day.

Meantime, the Israeli occupation military unleashed smoke grenades in the town of Al-Zawayida in central Gaza, while unmanned Israeli drones persistently fired live ammunition at civilians in various areas of central Gaza, causing several injuries.

In a preliminary toll, the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for the 90th Day has resulted in more than 22,430 fatalities, including 9,730 children and 6,830 women. Additionally, over 7,000 people are missing, and more than 57,600 are injured.



Israeli renews shelling in the vicinity of Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younus

GAZA, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported this morning that the Israeli artillery resumed its in the vicinity of Al-Amal Hospital, an affiliate of the Society, located in the city of Khan Younus in the southern Gaza Strip.

The Israeli attacks persisted in the vicinity of the hospital, said the Red Crescent, accompanied by ongoing gunfire from Israeli unmanned aerial vehicles.

Last night, PRCS urgently appealed to the international community and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement for immediate intervention to protect the Society's Al-Amal Hospital and its premises in the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing Israeli airstrikes.

This includes safeguarding medical staff, patients, and approximately 14,000 internally displaced persons seeking refuge at the hospital, all in accordance with international humanitarian law and the Fourth Geneva Convention, the society said in a press statement.

PRCS expressed its deep concern over the repeated targeting by Israeli occupation forces of its premises and the Al-Amal Hospital—an affiliate of the society—in the city of Khan Younus in the Gaza Strip.

The Red Crescent reported that Israeli occupation forces had shelled multiple floors of its headquarters over the past four days, with the latest bombardment occurring this morning.

According to the statement, the direct targeting of the association's building resulted in the murder of seven displaced individuals, including a five-day-old infant, and injured 11 others.

In addition to the casualties at the society's premises, Israeli airstrikes struck dozens of residential buildings and gatherings of people near or around the hospital, resulting in dozens more casualties, including displaced individuals seeking refuge at the PRCS premises.

The society highlighted that the Israeli airstrikes also destroyed its communication transmission station, the only means of communication left after the cessation of various telecom services in Khan Younus province. This significantly impedes the ability of emergency medical crews to respond to the injured, patients, and humanitarian cases.



Dozens of civilian casualties in Gaza as Israel's genocide marks 91 days

GAZA, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

Dozens of innocent civilians, including children and women, were brutally murdered over the past few hours as the Israeli genocide campaign from the air, land and sea against the Gaza Strip enters its 91st consecutive day, according to local and medical sources.

In central Gaza, emergency and rescue teams retrieved the bodies of two Palestinians who were killed in Israeli airstrikes targeting residential homes in the town of Al-Zawayida yesterday evening.

In Khan Younus, south of the Strip, the bodies of three slain Palestinians and five wounded individuals were transported to Nasir Medical Complex following an Israeli strike which targeted the area of Al-Mawasi, located west of the province.

Simultaneously, the Israeli air force carried out intense airstrikes in the southeast of Khan Younus city, while numerous explosions were heard across the central province amid nonstop Israeli bombardments.

Meantime, the ambulance and rescue teams retrieved several wounded individuals from the Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, coinciding with ongoing shelling by the Israeli occupation artillery on the camp and the eastern areas of Al-Buraij refugee camp.

Israeli warships fired on the beaches of Dair El-Bala'h in central Gaza, coinciding with continuous air raids and artillery shelling on the city.

Earlier yesterday evening, at least two civilians were killed and others injured in relentless Israeli airstrikes on Khan Younus in the southern Gaza Strip. Medical sources reported the death of a civilian and injuries to others in an Israeli airstrike targeting a residential apartment in the Al-Amal neighborhood in the city.

In another incident, an Israeli airstrike claimed the life of a woman, and several others were injured in the Qarara area in Khan Younus. The Israeli military also destroyed homes in Khaza'a town and adjacent areas east of Khan Younus.

Also in Khan Younus, at least one civilian was killed, and others were injured in the Israeli shelling around the European Hospital southeast of the city. Additionally, Israeli warplanes destroyed a house belonging to the Kawara' family east of the city and carried out airstrikes in the vicinity of Nasser Hospital, Al-Amal Hospital, and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society's headquarters.

Video footage revealed the bodies of 14 martyrs, including nine children, being recovered after an Israeli airstrike targeted the tents of displaced individuals in the Mawasi area west of Khan Younus

In Rafa'h, in the southern Gaza Strip, five civilians were killed and others injured in an Israeli airstrike targeting the home of the Abu Sinjar family in the city center.

In the Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, Israeli warplanes targeted the Abu Hoali family home, resulting in multiple casualties.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that the Israeli military targeted the home of Anwar Abu Hoali, the director of the Central Governorate Ambulance Center in the Maghazi refugee camp, leading to multiple casualties, including at least two martyrs and five injuries until this moment, with several people still under the rubble.

Meanwhile, rescue and ambulance crews managed to retrieve several martyrs and wounded individuals from under the debris of another house targeted by the Israeli occupation military in the same refugee camp.

Moreover, Israeli drones fired live ammunition at displaced individuals near the entrance of Al-Musaddar village in central Gaza.

At least five civilians were also killed and others injured in an Israeli strike on a vehicle in the New Al-Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza.

Israeli artillery further targeted the areas of Al-Zawayida, Al-Nusayrat, Al-Maghazi, Al-Buraij in central Gaza, destroying the home of the Al-Loa'h family near the Wadi Gaza bridge.

In Gaza City, medical sources reported the arrival of the bodies of nine martyrs to Shifa Medical Complex due to Israeli airstrikes targeting residential neighborhoods. The strikes included areas south of Ju'hr Al-Deek and near Gaza seaport.

In a preliminary toll, the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for the 90th day has resulted in more than 22,430 fatalities, including 9,730 children and 6,830 women. Additionally, over 7,000 people are missing, and more than 57,600 are injured.  




Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

Teenager shot dead by Israeli occupation forces northwest of Ramallah

RAMALLAH, Friday January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

A teenager was shot dead and at least seven others wounded in an ambush set up by Israeli occupation soldiers last night in the town of Bait Rima, located northwest of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, according to medical sources.

The sources confirmed the death of 17-year-old Osayd Tariq Al-Rimawi, a high school student, who succumbed to a gunshot wound to the chest in the deadly incident. Additionally, reports from Salfeet Governmental Hospital confirmed the admission of seven individuals injured by Israeli forces' gunfire in the same assault.

Sources from the town revealed that the youths fell victim to an ambush set up by Israeli occupation forces, who also detained several others during the predawn raid. Most of the wounded were transported to Salfeet Governmental Hospital for treatment.

Simultaneously, Israeli occupation soldiers raided multiple homes, vandalized the doors of multiple commercial establishments, and destroyed a local café during the offensive. Confrontations between the local youth and the occupying forces erupted following these incursions.


Palestinian youth shot and injured at military checkpoint near Nablus

JENIN, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

A Palestinian youth from Qabatya town, south of Jineen, was shot and injured by Israeli occupation forces at a military checkpoint near the town of 'Aseera, in Nablus.

The administrator of Jenin Hospital, Wisam Bakr, and security sources told WAFA that a young man was shot and injured in the leg by the occupation soldiers as he attempted to cross a military checkpoint near the town of 'Aseera.

The youth was given first aid and then transferred to the Jenin hospital for treatment.


Palestinian boy, 12, hit by bullet shrapnel while inside his home during Israeli army incursion into Jineen-area town

JENIN, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

A twelve-year-old Palestinian boy was struck in the head with bullet shrapnel fired by Israeli occupation forces in the town of Ya'bad, southwest of Jenin, according to medical sources.

Sources told WAFA that Israeli military forces broke into the town of Ya'bad amid the heavy firing of bullets toward residents' homes, hitting a 12-year-old boy with bullet shrapnel while he was inside his house.

WAFA correspondent said forces further raided several neighborhoods in the town, which led to the outbreak of confrontations, during which the occupation soldiers fired live bullets, stun grenades and tear gas canisters heavily at residents. No further injuries were reported. 

Resident Shadi Ziyad Qabha, along with all his children were also injured after their house caught fire as a result of the heavy firing of tear gas canisters toward residents' homes by the Israeli army during a raid into Jenin's town of Tura.

A gas bomb reportedly fell inside the house, causing fire to break out and injuring as a result the father and all his children.

Civil defense crews managed to extinguish the fire, and ambulance crews provided the family members with first aid.

Sources added gas bombs also fell inside a commercial shop, causing severe damage.


Palestinian youth injured by illegal Israeli settlers' bullets northwest of Hebron

HEBRON, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

A young Palestinian man was shot and injured tonight at the hands of Israeli colonists in the town of Sourif, northwest of Hebron, according to security and local sources.

Sources told WAFA that colonists from the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Bat Ayin, northwest of Hebron, opened live bullets at the town’s residents, shooting and injuring a youth in the foot.

In the meantime, colonists from the illegal Israeli settlement of Asfar attacked properties belonging to a Palestinian resident east of the town of Al-Shuyookh and destroyed his agricultural equipment, in addition to a caravan he used as storage.


Several Palestinians suffocate by tear gas during Nablus-area confrontations

NABLUS, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

A number of Palestinians suffocated by tear gas this evening during confrontations with Israeli occupation forces in the village of Madama, south of Naples, according to a local official.

Head of Village Council Wajeeh al-Qit told WAFA that large military forces stormed the said village, amid the random firing of live ammunition and tear gas bombs toward residents’ houses, causing several citizens to suffocate due to tear gas inhalation.

He said that the occupation forces cordoned off a mosque as worshipers were inside for noon prayers, in addition to a hall at the village council used by locals as a funeral home, and proceeded to attack them with stun grenades and tear gas canisters, smashing the windows of the hall.


Two Palestinians injured by Israeli gunfire in a raid into Balata

NABLUS, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

At least two Palestinians were wounded by live ammunition this early morning during an Israeli military raid into Balata refugee camp, in the  northern West Bank province of Nablus.

Local sources confirmed that two civilians were injured by live bullets as Israeli occupation forces stormed the camp with several military vehicles, accompanied by a D9 bulldozer. Violent confrontations erupted between the local youth and the occupation forces.

The sources reported that the Israeli soldiers raided several homes in the camp, conducted searches, and vandalized their contents. No arrests were reported during the raid.

During the raid, the Israeli forces deliberately destroyed infrastructure in the Al-Madaris Street and in several alleys within the camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent affirmed that the occupation forces directly fired at ambulance vehicles, preventing their teams from reaching the injured in the camp.



Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers


Israeli occupation forces detain 12 Palestinians in West Bank

RAMALLAH, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

At least 12 Palestinians have been detained by the Israeli occupation forces across the occupied West Bank over the past 24 hours, according to a joint statement by the Palestinian Detainees Affairs Authority and the Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS).

The statement highlighted that Israeli occupation forces continue their widespread campaigns of raids, harassment, and direct gunfire aimed at killing during arrest operations. It also noted the vandalism carried out by the occupation forces during their incursions into the homes of Palestinian civilians.

According to the statement, the total number of Palestinians arrested since the beginning of the all-out Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people on October 7 has exceeded 5,660. This figure encompasses individuals detained from their homes, military checkpoints, those who surrendered under pressure, and individuals taken as hostages.

The statement further provided insights into the status of detainees, including those still held by the Israeli occupation and those released later on.




Aggression and Attacks by Illegal Israeli Settlers and Soldiers

Israeli forces close entrances to Ramallah-area village for three days

RAMALLAH, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) -

Israeli occupation forces this evening closed the main entrances to Burqa village, east of Ramallah, for three days.

According to local sources, the occupation forces erected several military checkpoints, closed the main entrances to the village of Burqa and brought large military reinforcements to the area.

Forces stopped and searched Palestinian vehicles attempting to enter or leave the village and checked the identity cards of passengers.

Vehicles were crammed on both sides of the military checkpoints, obstructing residents' movement and causing traffic jams.



Surge in settlement activity in occupied West Bank since Oct 7: Report

RAMALLAH, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

An Israeli human rights group revealed today a surge in colonial settlement activity in the occupied West Bank since the start of Israel's brutal aggression on the Gaza Strip on October 7.

Peace Now, a human rights group dedicated to monitoring settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, stated, "Following three months of war in Gaza, we are witnessing an unprecedented surge in settlement activities, including the construction of colonial outposts, roads, and walls."

"Settlers continue to control Area C in the West Bank, further marginalizing Palestinian presence. In addition to ongoing settler violence, reports in November highlight the establishment of settlement outposts and the paving of roads, contributing to the proliferation of roadblocks preventing Palestinians from accessing major routes in the West Bank," the group added.

The report pointed out the establishment of nine new settlement outposts in about three months, in addition to 18 unauthorized colonial roads. It also highlighted settlers closing roads and blocking Palestinians' movement, constructing walls, adding that a significant portion of the outposts and roads were erected on private Palestinian land.

Peace Now mentioned that settlers exploit the aggression on Gaza "to establish facts on the ground and effectively control extensive areas in Area C, where settlers decide the location of outpost construction and colonial roads, disregarding the legal status of the land."

"The permissive military and political environment allows reckless construction and land seizures with almost minimal adherence to [Israeli] law. The result is not only physical harm to Palestinians and their lands but also a significant political shift in the West Bank," the report stated.

The organization called for the "unchecked rampage of the settlers to be stopped now."



Only 15,000 worshipers prayed at Al-Aqsa due to Israeli restrictions, says Waqf

RAMALLAH, Friday, January 5, 2024 (WAFA) –

In the face of stringent Israeli measures and restrictions, a mere 15,000 worshippers were permitted to perform Friday prayers today at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, the Islamic Waqf department said in a statement today.

The Islamic Waqf, the Jordan-run authority in charge of the daily affairs of the holy site, reported that Israeli measures hindered thousands of worshippers from accessing the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israeli restrictions not only prevented the entry of worshippers from outside the Old City of Jerusalem, but also impeded those from the West Bank from reaching the Mosque. These measures have been in place since the outbreak of the all-out Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people on October 7, according to local sources.

Meanwhile, large numbers of Israeli forces were deployed in the vicinity of the Wadi Al-Joaz area adjacent to the Old City, and access to the mosque was restricted exclusively to residents of the Old City.

Reports from local sources stated that Israeli forces assaulted worshippers, pedestrians, and journalists, deploying stun grenades, tear gas, and wastewater toward them, resulting in several injuries.

A circulating video clip showed Israeli forces assaulting a woman as she attempted to reach the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Friday prayers through the Al-Asbat Gate on the eastern side of the compound.



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