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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


Documentation of the Israeli abuse of power, mistreatment of humanity, and perpetration of the genocidal war on the Palestinian people in the  Gaza Strip.


On Day 326 of US-Backed Israeli Genocidal War on Gaza Strip, 3 Massacres, 41 Palestinians Killed, 113 Injured, with a Death Toll of  40,476 and 93,647 Injuries

 August 27, 2024 


Editor's Notes:  

Here are some initial (not final) statistics, which show the Israeli war crimes against humanity, during the current Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip, based on the reliable data reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry:

By August 27, 2024, the initial death toll of Palestinians who have been killed by the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza Strip is 50,474+.   

This includes the accounted for deaths (40,476), those who are still missing under the rubble (an estimate of at least 10,000+). 

By August 27, 2024, the documented injuries exceeded 93,647.

By August 27 2024, 643 Palestinians who were killed, 5,490 who were injured, and 10,147, who were abducted by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, since October 7, 2023, including 310 women and 640 children (Some of the detainees have been released).

By July 12, 2024, the Palestinian death toll in Gaza included 16,054+ children and 10,725 women (69.7% of the total). The death toll also included 500 doctors and medical staff, 158 journalists, and 75 civil defense workers. 

By July 12, 2024, the Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment destroyed more than 100 health hospitals and medical facilities,  609 mosques, 3 churches, more than 430,000 housing units, and the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.



41 Palestinians were killed, 113 were injured, mostly women and children, by
Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment, on August 27, 2024
Illegal Israeli settlers opened fire at citizens in WadiRa'h-'hal, killing one of them and injuring three others, identifying the martyr as 40-year-old Khaleel Khallawi, August 27, 2024 pic
Amnesty calls for war crimes probe into the Israeli indiscriminate attacks on
May 26, 28, 2024, on Rafa'h, in which hundreds of displaced Palestinians
were massacred, August 27, 2024

The Palestinian death toll rose to 40,476 and 93,647 injuries, mostly women and children, due to the Israeli ongoing genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, by August 27, 2024

The UN suspended its aid operation in the Gaza Strip because of Israeli military evacuation orders in Dair El-Bala'h, which hindered the delivery of humanitarian
aid and vaccines for polio, August 27, 2024
Three international organizations launched urgent appeals for bringing food, water, and medicine to the Gaza Strip, due shortages caused by the Israeli attacks, August 27, 2024
Grieving the death of the four Palestinian martyrs, who were killed yesterday
by an Israeli air strike on the Nour Shams refugee camp, on August 27, 2024.
Palestinian children trying to get some water in Dair El-Balah, as a severe shortage of food, water, and medicine supplies is worsening in the Gaza Strip, due to the ongoing Israeli blocking of supplies, August 27, 2024. 

ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãóÜٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

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"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).

"Åöäú ÃóÍúÓóäÊõãú ÃóÍúÓóäÊõãú áöÃóäÝõÓößõãú ۖ æóÅöäú ÃóÓóÃúÊõãú ÝóáóåóÇ ۚ " (ÇáÅÓúÑóÇÁõ ¡ 17: 7). 

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (Al-Nisa, 4: 93).

"If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, (you do it) to yourselves" (Al-Isra, 17: 7). 


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written human history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of Prophets David and Solomon , peace be upon them, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus, peace be upon him, started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

No matter what the Zionists and their supporters do, they cannot change the will of God, Who promised the Holy Land to Abraham and his descendants, basically the Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

No matter how much persecution and aggression the Zionists and their supporters inflict upon the Palestinian people, they will never be able to force them out of the Holy Land, which Allah, praise to Him, promised for them, and kept His promise ever since.

This is a necessary brief background to understand the US-Backed Zionist Israeli continuous wars against the Arab nation generally, and the Palestinian people in particular, which included the wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, the brutal crushing of the two Uprisings (1987-1993 and 2000-2004), 2009, 2012, 2014, 2021, and the current genocidal war on Gaza (Since October 7, 2023), which has culminated a blockade of Gaza since 2007. In addition, the Israeli occupation and apartheid regime launched so many covert operations, raids, and air strikes on many Arab states since 1948.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Editorial Notes about terms & names of people and places:

1. Names of people and places have been standardized to match standard Arabic grammatical rules.

2. Underlined letters and letters preceded by an apostrophe are references to Arabic letter sounds, which does not exist in the English alphabet.

3. The English letter i is equivalent to the Arabic short vowel known as kasra, as in Ibraheem and Qasim as well as in the English words sit and bit. So, it is incorrect to use it as a long vowel for such Arabic names as Jameel and Jibreel.

4. The English letter e is equivalent to the Arabi short vowel known as fat'ha, as in A'hmed and Mu'hammed.

5. It is more accurate to refer to the
land-grabbing Israelis, who establish illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, as illegal Israeli settlers, than referring to them as colonists.

The term colony is a reference to a large entity or a country, such as American states before independence. It was also a reference to Egypt, and India, when they were British colonies.

In addition, the term "colony" represents a positive nostalgic theme, in the minds of native speakers of English, particularly in America and Britain.

6. It is more accurate to use the verb "abduct" than the verb "detain," in reference to taking Palestinian citizens by force to prisons and interrogation centers, by Israeli occupation regime soldiers. This is because the presence of the Israeli occupation regime forces is illegal in the Palestinian territories, and they have no jurisdiction over the Palestinian people.

Click here for more about using the apostrophe and the underlining of letters in the transliteration of Arabic names.


Amnesty calls for war crimes probe into Israeli indiscriminate attacks on Rafa'h

Tuesday 27-August-2024


Amnesty International has accused the Israeli occupation forces of failing to take all feasible precautions to avoid or minimize harm to displaced civilians sheltering at camps while carrying out two attacks in Rafa'h in the south of the Gaza Strip last May.

“These attacks likely were indiscriminate, and one attack likely also disproportionate. Both attacks should be investigated as war crimes,” Amnesty said in a report published on its website on Tuesday.

“On 26 May 2024, two Israeli air strikes on the Kuwaiti Peace Camp, a makeshift camp for internally displaced people (IDP) in Tel Al-Sultan in west Rafa'h, killed at least 36 people – including six children – and injured more than 100,” Amnesty explained.

Amnesty affirmed that the Israeli army used two US-made GBU-39 guided bombs in those two airstrikes. “The use of these munitions, which project deadly fragments over a wide area, in a camp housing civilians in overcrowded temporary shelters likely constituted a disproportionate and indiscriminate attack, and should be investigated as a war crime.”

“On 28 May, in the second incident investigated, the Israeli military fired at least three tank shells at a location in the Al-Mawasi area of Rafa'h which was designated by the Israeli military as a “humanitarian zone”. The strikes killed 23 civilians – including 12 children, seven women and four men – and injured many more.”

Amnesty said its research found that the Israeli army used, on that day, unguided munitions in Al-Mawasi area, which is full of civilians sheltering in tents, calling for investigating this “indiscriminate” artillery attack as a “war crime.”

“Several of the civilians killed and injured in the Kuwaiti Peace Camp strikes were hit by metal fragments, including a toddler and a young woman who were both decapitated. Other victims sustained deep cuts and broken limbs. The majority of the civilian casualties verified by Amnesty International were caused by the bombs’ fragments, while others sustained extensive burns. An additional body was so badly burned that it could not be identified.”

“The Israeli military would have been fully aware that the use of bombs that project deadly shrapnel across hundreds of meters and unguided tank shells would kill and injure a large number of civilians sheltering in overcrowded settings lacking protection. The military could and should have taken all feasible precautions to avoid, or at least minimize, harm to civilians,” Amnesty said.


UN pauses Gaza aid operation due to Israel’s evacuation orders

Tuesday 27-August-2024


The United Nations announced on Tuesday that it has suspended its aid operation in the Gaza Strip because of Israeli military evacuation orders in Dair El-Bala'h, which seriously hindered the delivery of humanitarian aid and vaccines for polio which broke out in the Gaza Strip for the first time in 25 years.

A senior UN official told Bloomberg Media that its humanitarian staff had been unable to operate on Monday because of safety concerns following evacuation orders in the town of Dair El-Bala'h, where the UN has its main operations center that sheltered thousands of the displaced as it was misleadingly declared a humanitarian safe zone by the Israeli occupation army.

The official stressed that although the United Nations has not issued formal suspension decisions, it is practically unable to deliver aid or continue its relief operations.

“While the United Nations has had to delay or stop deliveries for a few hours in the past, this is the first time that operations have come to a complete halt,” the official said.

The suspension of the humanitarian operations threatens to delay the UN-led vaccination campaign, which is scheduled to begin on August 31, according to the World Health Organization. The UN intends to distribute about one million doses of polio vaccine in Gaza, after a case of the virus was discovered in recent days.

In the same context, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) expressed deep concern about the Israeli forced eviction orders, noting that they include 15 facilities housing UN staff and activists in non-governmental organizations, as well as four UN warehouses, due to their location either in or near the area covered by the eviction order.

OCHA underscored that this decision will hinder the work of a full humanitarian center that was established in Dair El-Bala'h after the evacuation of Rafa'h in the southern Gaza Strip last May.


International organizations launch urgent appeals for bringing in water, food into Gaza

Tuesday 27-August-2024


Three international organizations launched urgent appeals regarding the Israeli occupation forces’ (IOFs) attacks on medical personnel, demolition of water wells, and continued prevention of food aid access to the residents of the Gaza Strip.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said in a statement on Monday that the IOF destroyed more than 15 wells throughout the Strip, leaving only 3 wells operating in Dair El-Bala'h, where water supplies have decreased by 85%.

Earlier, the Dair El-Bala'h municipality announced that about half of the Gaza Strip’s population lives in a narrow strip which has been repeatedly reduced over time by the IOF, leading to forced displacement of about 250,000 citizens and taking 25 shelters out of service.

Meanwhile, the World Food Program (WFP) said that food operations in the Gaza Strip face increasing challenges in light of the ongoing Israeli aggression, which exacerbates hunger-related needs.

The WFP called on Israel to immediately stop attacking Palestinian medical personnel, explaining their detention contributes to catastrophic deterioration of the health care system in the besieged Strip.

The WFP stressed the importance of allowing immediate access to humanitarian aid to vaccinate thousands of children in the Gaza Strip.

For its part, the Human Rights Watch organization called on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to investigate the Israeli attacks on medical personnel in Gaza and the violations against those detained among them.

The organization demanded that Israel must immediately stop the continued mistreatment of Palestinian medical personnel, quoting released doctors, nurses and paramedics as telling stories of mistreatment in Israeli prisons, including humiliation, beatings, forced stress positions, shackling and blindfolding for long hours, deprivation of medical care, rape and sexual assault.


'Hamas condemns Israeli decision to finance storming of Aqsa

Tuesday 27-August-2024

Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem), (PIC)

The 'Hamas Movement warned of the Israeli decision to finance the settler storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque as “dangerous” and called on Arab and Islamic countries “to take responsibility for protecting the holy sites.”

In a statement issued Tuesday, the Movement said that the Israeli decision came after a systematic escalation by the fascist occupation government in all forms, including provocative incursions, and attempts at temporal and spatial division.

“This fascist extremist government is playing with fire, as it does not care about the repercussions of its Zionist behavior in undermining the sanctity, status and identity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, for our Arab and Islamic nation,” the Movement added, noting that this dangerous escalation against the first Qiblah of Muslims and the second of the two holy mosques, threatens to spark a broad religious war.

“The occupation’s frantic and accelerating attempts to change the status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque will not succeed in obliterating or concealing the historic facts that it is an Islamic endowment that does not accept division, was and will remain purely Islamic.”

'Hamas called on the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation to “take responsibility” and act in unison to protect the site and for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to mobilize and maintain a presence there.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Israeli Ministry of Heritage declared that it has allocated 2 million shekels (about $543,000) to support far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s incursions into the Aqsa Mosque Compound.

Ben-Gvir, who has personally stormed the compound with armed security and extremist settlers on multiple occasions, expressed his support for building a synagogue in the Holy Muslim site yesterday.


Israel holds 552 bodies of Palestinian martyrs in numbered graves

Tuesday 27-August-2024


Palestinian rights groups reported on Tuesday that the Israeli occupation apartheid regime (IOAR) continue to withhold 552 bodies, including 256 in the so-called cemeteries of numbers, along with hundreds of martyrs from the Gaza Strip.

This came in a statement released on the National Day for the Retrieval of Bodies, which is observed annually on August 27, by the Palestine Prisoners Society (PPS), the Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs, Al-Dhameer Foundation for Human Rights, and the National Campaign to Retrieve the Bodies of Martyrs.

The institutions highlighted that “the number of bodies being held by Israel has reached 552 people in the cemeteries of numbers and refrigerators.

They also noted that the detained bodies included nine women, 32 prisoners, 55 children under the age of 18, five individuals from 1948 occupied Palestine, and six Palestinian refugees from Lebanon.

The cemetery of numbers is a set of secret burial sites surrounded by stones and lacking proper markers. Each grave has a metal plate with a specific number instead of names for the martyrs, with each number referring to the security file of an individual. Human rights organizations confirm that many of these graves date back to the establishment of Israel.



Killing and Injuring of Palestinians in Ghazza (Gaza) by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces


On August 27, 2024, Dr. Ashraf Al-Qidra, the Spokesperson of the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that the Israeli genocidal air strikes and bombardment on the Gaza Strip resulted in 3 main massacres, in which 41 Palestinian civilians were killed, and the 113 others were injured, in the past 48 hours (from a specific time of yesterday to a specific time of today). This increased the accounted for death toll in Gaza Strip to 40,476 and the injuries to 93,647, since the start of the Israeli genocidal war on October 7, 2023.


Death toll across Gaza Strip surges to 40,476, over 93,647 injured

GAZA, Thursday, August 27, 2024 (WAFA) – 

Israeli occupation forces committed three massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the killing of at least 41 Palestinians and the injury of 113 others, according to medical sources.

They confirmed that the Palestinian death toll from the Israeli onslaught since October 7 has risen to 40,476 reported fatalities, with an additional 93,647 individuals sustaining injuries. The majority of the victims are women and children.

According to the same sources, emergency services are still unable to reach many casualties and dead bodies trapped under the rubble or scattered on roads across the war-torn enclave, as Israeli occupation forces continue to obstruct the movement of ambulance and civil defense crews.



US-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza enters Day 326

Tuesday 27-August-2024


As the US-backed Israeli genocidal war on the Gaza Strip entered Day 326 on Tuesday, aerial and artillery strikes continued to pound and target different areas and massacre more civilians.

Reporters for the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) said that the Israeli occupation army continued to bomb homes and shelter centers and attack citizens in different areas of Gaza during the past 24 hours.

According to media sources, an unknown number of civilians were killed and others were injured in an Israeli attack on a house in Batn Al-Sameen area in central Khan Younus, south of Gaza.

Israeli warplanes also struck two houses in Al-Nusayrat refugee camp in central Gaza, with no reported casualties.

A girl child was injured by Israeli gunfire near the UNRWA rest area on the beach of Rafa'h in southern Gaza.

A civilian was martyred and another was injured in an Israeli attack near Al-Abrar Mosque in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza City.

An Israeli attack on a group of citizens in the same neighborhood claimed the lives of three of them.

An Israeli airstrike on a house belonging to the family of Basheer in Dair El-Bala'h in central Gaza killed four civilians.

A woman was also killed and others were wounded in an Israeli artillery attack on Al-Masaddar area in central Gaza.

More casualties were reported in other areas of Gaza following Israeli aerial, artillery and shooting attacks last night and today.


Israeli forces kill displaced Palestinian in southern Gaza Strip

GAZA, Tuesday, August 27, 2024 (WAFA) –

The Israeli occupation forces Tuesday evening killed a displaced Palestinian to the west of the city of Khan Younus in the southern war-torn Gaza Strip, according to local sources.

They said that the occupation forces opened gunfire towards Asdaa' tent city camp for displaced people, west of Khan Younus, killing one.

Meanwhile, Israeli artillery pounded 'Abasan Al-Kabeera town and Al-Ma'hatta neighborhood, east and north of the city, at a time when the occupation forces blew up residential buildings in the city.

Israel has proceeded with its genocidal offensive on the war-torn Strip in complete disregard of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which ordered Israel in a legally binding decision to halt its military offensive in Rafa'h, which may violate its obligations under the Genocide Convention.

Israel has been waging a devastating war on Gaza since October 7, killing at least 40,476 Palestinians and injuring over 93,647 others.

Moreover, at least 10,000 people are unaccounted for, presumed dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Strip.

Palestinian and international organizations say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

The Israeli aggression has also resulted in the forceful displacement of nearly two million people from all over the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the displaced forced into the densely crowded southern city of Rafa'h near the border with Egypt – in what has become Palestine’s largest mass exodus since the 1948 Nakba.




Killing, Injuring, and Abduction of Palestinians in the West Bank by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces 


Illegal Israeli settlers attack a West Bank village, kill and injure Palestinians

Tuesday 27-August-2024


A Palestinian citizen was martyred and three others were injured on Monday evening when a group of the illegal Israeli extremist Jewish settlers opened fire at them in Wadi Ra'h-'hal village, south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

The Palestinian health ministry said that the illegal Israeli extremist Jewish settlers opened fire at citizens in WadiRa'h-'hal, killing one of them and moderately injuring three others, identifying the martyr as 40-year-old Khaleel Khallawi.

Local sources said that a horde of armed settlers launched an attack on homes near the boy school in the village while firing live rounds before local residents confronted them.

The sources added that four villagers suffered bullet injuries as they tried to fend off the settlers before one of them was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

In a separate incident, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed at dawn Tuesday Toulkarm City several hours after they assassinated a group of resistance fighters in Nour Shams refugee camp.

Local sources said that a large number of Israeli troops and vehicles patrolled Toulkarm’s streets hours after a drone bombed a house in Nour Shams camp killing five young men.

Last April, 14 Palestinian citizens were martyred during a two-day IOFs attack on Nour Shams camp.

Last July, the Israeli army launched another violent raid on the camp, which continued for about 15 hours, and embarked on destroying homes, buildings, stores and roads. 



The Israeli occupation forces have no jurisdiction to arrest or detain Palestinian citizens in the West Bank, that's why the correct term for what they do illegally is kidnapping, not arrest or detention.



Aggression and Attacks by Illegal Israeli Settlers and Soldiers


Illegal Israeli settlers set up new illegal outpost near Al-Khan Al-A'hmar in Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem)

Tuesday 27-August-2024

Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem), (PIC)

A horde of the illegal Israeli extremist Jewish settlers established on Tuesday a new illegal settlement outpost near the Bedouin village of Al-Khan Al-A'hmar in the east of Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).

Head of the village council, 'Eid Yaseen said that this colonial outpost is located only 150 meters away from the Bedouin village of Al-Khan Al-A'hmar, adding that the settlers placed a tent and power generators in this area and started to assault Palestinian Bedouins living in nearby communities.

Yaseen warned that those settlers would pose a danger to the Palestinian students in the area as they walk to their school early next month.

He said that such settler violations are part of a systematic policy pursued by the Israeli occupation regime against the Bedouin population in the area to force them to leave their tents and evacuate their hamlets as a prelude to establishing Jewish pastoral settlements in the Bedouin areas of Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem)..


Illegal Israeli settlers assault farmers in Bait La'hm (Bethlehem)-governorate village

Bait La'hm (Bethlehem), Tuesday, August 27, 2024 (WAFA) –

A horde of the illegal Israeli extremist Jewish settlers  Tuesday evening assaulted Palestinian farmers in the Al-Maniya village, southeast of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem, according to a local source.

Zayid Kawazba, head of Al-Maniya Village Council, said that approximately 150 armed colonists mounted an attack against farmers to the east of the village, while simultaneously opening fire, triggering confrontations.

There was no immediate information on any casualty.

Colonist violence against Palestinians and their property is routine in the West Bank and is rarely prosecuted by Israeli authorities.

Colonist violence includes property and mosque arsons, stone-throwing, uprooting of crops and olive trees, attacks on vulnerable homes, among others.

There are over 700,000 Israeli colonists living in colonial settlements in the West Bank and Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).



Israeli police demolish Palestinian house south of Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem)

Tuesday 27-August-2024

Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem), (PIC)

The Israeli occupation police and municipality crews, escorted by heavy vehicles, stormed on Tuesday the Al-Bustan neighborhood in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem), and demolished a Palestinian house under the pretext of lacking a construction permit.

According to official Palestinian data published by the Jerusalem governorate, the demolitions during this month is equivalent to the total number of the Israeli demolitions carried out in the city during the first half of the current year 2024.

The data showed that the city of Jerusalem witnessed 127 demolitions during the first half of 2024, including 42 forced self-demolitions, and 73 demolitions carried out by Israeli occupation forces.

Meanwhile, the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission recorded 243 demolitions in the West Bank during the same period, including 318 facilities.


Palestinian sustains wounds in a settler attack south of Nablus

NABLUS, Tuesday, August 27, 2024 (WAFA) –

A Palestinian Tuesday evening sustained wounds in a settler attack close to the Za'tara checkpoint, south of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, according to local sources.

They said that colonists pelted Palestinian-registered vehicles with stones close to the checkpoint, which separates the northern West Bank from the southern West Bank, wounding a man in his head and causing damage to his vehicle.

The casualty was identified as a resident of Qarawat Bani 'Hasan town, west of Salfeet.

Colonist violence against Palestinians and their property is routine in the West Bank and is rarely prosecuted by Israeli authorities.

Colonist violence includes property and mosque arsons, stone-throwing, uprooting of crops and olive trees, attacks on vulnerable homes, among others.

There are over 700,000 Israeli colonists living in colonial settlements in the West Bank and Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem).





The Israeli occupation forces have no jurisdiction to arrest or detain Palestinian citizens in the West Bank, that's why the correct term for what they do illegally is kidnapping, not arrest or detention.


Names of some of the Palestinian cities, as pronounced in standard Arabic, and their foreign names in parentheses: 

Al-Khaleel (Hebron)


Al-Quds (occupied Jerusalem)

Aree'ha (Jericho)

Al-Zaytoun (al-Zeitoun)

Bait (Beit)

Bait La'hm (Bethlehem)

Dair El-Bala'h

Jineen (Jenin)

Khan Younus (Khan Younis)


Person's names as pronounced in standard Arabic:

A'hmed, 'Hasan, Mu'hammed, Younus, Yousuf,  

'Hasan Mulai'hat,


Conflict terminology

The Israeli occupation apartheid regime (the Israeli government)

Illegal Israeli settlers (instead of settlers, colonists)

A group of the illegal Israeli settlers


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