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Gaza Remains Steadfast After 46 Days of the Israeli Genocidal War on its Women and Children


By Amira Abo El-Fetou'h

November 21, 2023 

Palestinian children were the main victims of the Israeli genocidal war on Gaza, November 9, 2023 Mariya under the rubble, a Palestinian girl who survived an Israeli genocidal
air strike, which killed most of her family members in Jabalya,
November 15, 2023



Gaza remains steadfast


By Amira Abo el-Fetouh


The war on the Palestinians in Gaza has entered its 46th day, and resistance against the Zionist enemy remains steadfast. The determination and will to confront the occupation forces boldly and courageously are still there, despite the genocidal destruction of the enclave. Israel’s dirty war has targeted civilian infrastructure and left its mark on defenseless civilians, bombing schools and shelters full of children and women, and killing at least 13,000 Palestinians, most of them children and women. Even patients in hospitals are not safe; Israeli troops stormed Al-Shifa Hospital and removed 500 patients at gunpoint. “These acts not only blatantly contravene the rules of,” said UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini on X, “they also show a total disregard for humanity.”

The world is witnessing this “text-book case of genocide” in real time on social media. The “civilized” West sees the scenes of death and destruction, but does nothing to stop the settler-colonial state. Morals, humanity and international law are being ignored. It is one-eyed and hypocritical, only seeing matters through Zionist eyes. The West supports this genocide by supplying the Zionist entity with money and weapons, while some Zionist Arab regimes help behind the scenes. According to some media outlets, UAE aircraft are being used in the bombing of Gaza. Most of these regimes want to eliminate Hamas so that the struggle for freedom does not spread to their own people and cause them to lose their weak thrones. That’s why demonstrations denouncing the Zionist attacks and supporting the Palestinians in Gaza are banned.

The Hamas Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has shaken the world in more ways than one. Those who only wake up to the oppression and occupation in Palestine when Israeli lives are lost suddenly found their voices and condemned the killings, as if the “conflict” started on 7 October; 75 years of oppression was overlooked. Those who have been inspired by the steadfastness of the Palestinians have taken to the streets of world capitals in greater numbers than ever before to protest against Zionist barbarism, tyranny and injustice. Could this be the beginning of the end of the Zionist occupation state and the apartheid that it imposes on the people of occupied Palestine?

The spirit of confidence is added to the ingenuity and creativity of the Palestinian people, as they once again form the majority of the population in the holy land, something that hasn’t happened been the case the 1948 Nakba. The issue is back where it started, exposing the emptiness of their ideology as the Zionists seek the crumbs of their non-existent “right” to the land. That right belongs to the Palestinian people who seek liberation from the river to the sea.

The so-called peace treaties have failed to bring peace. The Oslo Accords have brought nothing but more settlements and settlers — all illegal under international law — and a security coordination “Palestinian Authority” led by the Zionist stooge Mahmoud Abbas, who fled as he watched his people being killed in their thousands. He did nothing because he too wants to eliminate Hamas and all the resistance factions so that he can maintain his grip on power through Fatah, his faction described by one commentator as a “mafia”. However, Hamas will remain, because the right to resist occupation is enshrined in international law.

“From the very beginning Israel was set up in circumstances which would inevitably invite resistance,” explained Dr Ghada Karmi in conversation with Professor Avi Shlaim. “There’s no way you can set up a state for a foreign people in a land which already has an indigenous people, throw them out, take their place and expect no come back.”

Ariel Sharon dreamed of waking up and not finding Gaza on the map. Sharon died, but Gaza remains steadfast. Long may it do so.

Dr. Amira Abo El-Fetou'h is a dentist and a political commentator. Her article appeared in MEMO.

Gaza remains steadfast (


On World Children's Day: Palestinian children targets of Israeli killing and detention


November 20, 2023, GAZA, (PIC) +-


World Children's Day this year comes at a time when Palestinian children in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem have become targets for the Israeli occupation, its air force and ground forces as tons of bombs have fallen on Gaza, while bullets rained on the children in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Thousands of child martyrs


Since October 7, more than 5,500 children have been martyred, and thousands of them have been injured. Still, thousands of children remain missing due to the brutal bombing that targeted them while they were sleeping safely in their homes or displacement centers. This marks the biggest heinous crime in modern history against children, all amidst global silence and the shameless approval of the United States and Europe.

In the West Bank, 47 children were targeted by the Israeli occupation and its settlers, resulting in their martyrdom, in addition to hundreds of other injuries, as documented by ‘Moa’ti Center’.

Children captives


More than 880 children have been documented as detainees in the West Bank and Jerusalem since the beginning of this year, which has witnessed an unprecedented escalation in arrest operations, especially after October 7.

The number of child prisoners in the Israeli prisons by the end of October of this year is more than 200 children, detained in Ofer, Megiddo, and Damon prisons. Among the detained children, 26 are held under administrative detention.

Since the beginning of October until the end of the month, 145 cases of child arrests were recorded, with the highest number in Jerusalem, which witnesses the highest percentage of child arrests. Most of them, especially in Jerusalem, are released under conditions, including the dangerous policy of house arrest imposed by the occupation authorities.

For about two years until this year, Israel has escalated administrative detention against children, with the number of administratively detained reaching 26 children. Some of these children were shot before their arrest, and they were detained administratively despite their injuries. The majority of administratively detained children are between the ages of 16 and 17.

Blood of children incriminates occupation


For its part, the Hamas Movement emphasized that the blood of Gaza and Palestinian children will remain a witness to the "crimes of the new Nazis," calling for the trial of the leaders of the Israeli occupation and the inclusion of their entity in the "list of shame."

Hamas said in a statement: "While the United Nations and the world celebrate on November 20 the World Children's Day, the Nazi occupation, its government, and its fascist army continue their heinous crimes in committing horrifying massacres against our children in the Gaza Strip for 45 days."

It continued: "The terrorist occupation persists in deepening the pain of our sick, injured, and wounded children through the siege, systematic bombing, and destruction of hospitals, and through the policy of starvation, thirst, and displacement."

Hamas affirmed that the practices of Israeli in the Gaza Strip against civilians and children are a blatant violation of all human values, norms, laws, and international conventions.

It added: "The celebration of the United Nations and international institutions of World Children's Day calls on them to carry out their entrusted role in protecting the children of the Gaza Strip and providing all the elements of human life."

Hamas continued: "They bear political, moral, and human responsibility to act and move seriously to stop the massacres and the genocide being committed against innocent childhood in Palestine."

It called for including the "Zionist Nazi entity" in the "list of shame," which includes organizations and states that violate the rights of children in conflict zones, and to try the leaders of the occupation for their crimes against Palestinian children as war criminals.

Hamas considered that the escalation of the Israeli crimes against Palestinian children is a desperate attempt that will not succeed in terrorizing the popular embrace of the resistance and breaking the will and steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their land.


Palestinian children targets of Israeli killing and detention (





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