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Fighting Pollution in Pakistan: The Crisis Is Pressing

By Homer Jan Baloch

Pakistan Today, July 11, 2020 


Fighting pollution: The crisis is pressing

Pollution is one of the detrimental dilemmas that the World witnesses. The ominous challenges by pollution, have put everyone in fear and afflicted the atmosphere and ozone layer. The pollution that occurs by the spewing of wastes by humans and gases coming out from industries, releases disparate gases which have many effects on living things and the atmosphere, so the air we breathe and the water we drink are totally polluted and unhealthy for living things on the earth. In addition, there are many countries in the world where pollution exists because they are overpopulated, like Pakistan.

Pakistan is the fifth most populated country in the world and ranked as the world’s second most polluted country in the world after Bangladesh. This is the case because of the irresponsible population that makes the places dirty and unfit to live in. Industrial pollution is also common which produces a large amount of solid waste, which is thrown out in too many places without proper treatment, which hits the water, air, and land, and due to this pollution rises in the country.

The country   is hit by water pollution, soil pollution, plastic pollution and air pollution, and the air quality in Pakistan, especially in places like Karachi and Lahore is very poor, and the air is highly polluted by industrial and vehicle smoke. The air is also massively polluted by un-lubricated vehicles and burning plastic which create gaseous pollutants like carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide which is very injurious for people’s health.

Fresh air is very important for a clean environment, so if the air is polluted then how can people be safe and live a long life. The air pollution also causes diseases like asthma, bronchitis, lung and skin ailments which can kill people at a young age, mostly kids are suffering from asthma. Pollution also causes various types of cancer which are increasingly common in the country.

As mentioned, another type of pollution is water pollution. The water we drink and use is not clean due to the pollution in water. Moreover, marine life is in danger and in water there is plastic pollution. Due to that water is turning dirty and the rivers and lakes in many places are dirty are also polluted, as whatever we eat or use we throw near rivers, or in seas which makes the water polluted.

Many areas in Pakistan do not even have clean tap water. Due to this many people are becoming ill.

The PTI government should make new and better policies for eradicating pollution because pollution is very harmful for people in Pakistan, and we must create a green Pakistan and make our country beautiful. If we do eradicate pollution the atmosphere will be good. There will be low air pollution by growing more trees and less pollution in water by cleaning the water, which can be beneficial for both human and aquatic life, and we can make our land beautiful by throwing away less waste on land.

Water is the basic and necessary need of for living life and if water is polluted and people not get access to water. How can human life survive when people in Pakistan do not have access to pure water? In some areas, the water which people get is mixed with drain water, and that remains the main reason why most of the population suffers from stomach, kidney and skin diseases.

The other main problem is noise pollution which has a lot of effects on the people; the large size of the population and their daily usage of human transport and mechanical activities creates noise pollution and disturbs the people. Pakistan has a weak and uncontrolled traffic system which creates a lot of noise, and this pollution has many effects such as causing high blood pressure, depression, headache and anxiety.


The writer is based in Turbat, and is interested in environmental issues.

Fighting pollution - Pakistan Today


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