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America, The Beautiful: Why We're Finished

By Mark Dankof

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, June 8, 2015

Arthur Topham's Radical Press News Wire Notes Mark Dankof's "America, The Beautiful:  Why We're Finished." [Canada]

Arthur Topham’s Radical Press News Wire Notes Mark Dankof’s “America, The Beautiful: Why We’re Finished.” [Canada]


Arthur Topham’s Radical Press in Canada Notes Mark Dankof’s “America, The Beautiful: Why We’re Finished.”

     [I have been receiving a lot of mail from folks asking why I’ve taken a mild leave of absence from broadcasting and writing op-ed pieces for The Ugly Truth.  I will appear from time to time, but on a more limited basis, both with The Ugly Truth and Press TV.  I’ve been reassessing what good I’m actually doing, given the seemingly inexorable and disastrous direction the American Empire has embarked upon, and what seems like the absolute passivity and indifference of the American public to their own fate in all of this, not to mention the world.  In more recent times, I’ve been working on theological articles while preparing to resume my thesis for my last degree along with some theological German study.  I’m also job hunting to supplement my income as I assess the future.  The bottom line is this:  The title of this piece tells you what I’ve concluded about the country and the American people.  It isn’t a happy endgame.  What appears below are my latest thoughts at the present time.]


Mark Dankof: America, The Beautiful: Why We're Finished

Mark Dankof: America, The Beautiful: Why We’re Finished

     As he was preparing to leave office in 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned that “America must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence…by the military-industrial complex.”  Borrowing the title from the Frank Capra Defense Department propaganda films of World War II, documentary film maker Eugene Jarecki chronicled the Eisenhower warning in Why We Fight, a production that would win the Grand Jury Prize at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival.


       I vaguely remember Eisenhower. What I didn’t know as a little boy in the summer of 1960 when my family piled into my Dad’s new white Plymouth Station Wagon to depart Alexandria, Virginia for McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento, was the fact that Dad was working for the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), the intelligence organization created by Eisenhower to work with the CIA and the AEC in monitoring Soviet nuclear tests, explosions, and missile sites around the world.  I did not know that my father was acquainted with Eisenhower, Curtis LeMay, Paul Tibbets of the Enola Gay, and many other storied names of the Second World War and the Cold War that followed.  I would learn a number of things about Dad in the decades that followed.  There are many other things I never learned, even as he was losing both coherence and consciousness in the final days of his life in San Antonio in May of 2009.  Allen Dulles was correct.  There are some things that remain secret “from inception to eternity.”

Colonel Karl E. Dankof, USAF, during the Vietnam War.

Colonel Karl E. Dankof, USAF, during the Vietnam War.

      In 1961, as a denizen of kindergarten at the Arthur S. Dudley Elementary School on an American Air Force reservation in Sacramento, I also had no idea that my father would also become acquainted with President Kennedy.  All I knew was that Kennedy was the most handsome and dynamic man I’d ever seen on TV, with the most beautiful wife to match.  With Kennedy in office, watching Arnold Palmer on TV winning the British Open, making many trips to San Francisco’s Candlestick Park to see Willie Mays in his prime, and trekking to old Kezar Stadium to watch the football 49ers, my idyllic childhood on the West Coast was wedded to an America filled with hope, youth, and limitless future.  Mythology and visual images seemed to correspond with reality. The realities of what Seymour Hersh would reveal in his 1996 chronicle of the Kennedy years entitled “The Dark Side of Camelot,” did not correspond to my universe as a kid in the America of the early 1960s.


     Bob Greene of the Chicago Tribune would observe in 1984 that there was a day in Dallas, Texas that would “divide the hemispheres of our lives” for those old enough to remember.  When Jack Kennedy was gunned down in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963, I was serving a one year sentence in a 3rd grade class at Floyd Elementary School in Montgomery, Alabama during my Dad’s stint at the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base.  On that fateful Friday afternoon, American Mythology was slain with high powered rifle bullets coming from multiple guns and locations.  The visual images of horror emanating from Texas became a precursor of tragedies future.  Hope, youth, and limitless future were buried in Arlington National Cemetery.  Despair, the ravages of time and aging, and a future lost in the long-departed past, became the defining elements of the second hemisphere of life in ongoing attempts to recover the unrecoverable in time and space.  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross would later teach me that denial is the first stage in the process of experiencing death.

The Day Before The End:  The Kennedys in San Antonio on November 21, 1963.

The Day Before The End: The Kennedys in San Antonio on November 21, 1963.

     I knew there was something wrong with the official story on the Kennedy death from the outset.  I had witnessed the Jack Ruby, a. k. a. Jack Rubenstein, slaying of Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV in my parents’ living room in Alabama.  What I did not know was the magnitude of the significance of what I’d seen.  What I did know half a century ago was that the idyllic days of my earlier childhood were as dead as the 35th President of the United States.  I would end up spending decades reading thousands of pages and talking to people who claimed to know something.  One of them was a private chat in May of 2001 with the retired Kennedy autopsy photographer and X-Ray technician then living in secluded retirement in Norristown, Pennsylvania.


     Ironically enough, it was right after 9-11 that Michael Collins Piper would tie together many of the loose ends of my own research on Dealey Plaza for me.  The significance of Final Judgment was not simply the best and presumably last word on the ultimate players in the events of Dallas, but the way in which the demise of Jack Kennedy in my childhood became a pivotal event in understanding the process of the demythologization of American history and foreign policy in my critical re-examination of what had preceded it and what would follow.  Piper’s magnum opus would years later join my own presentation on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor for the 2013 National Conference of the American Free Press in Austin, and my discussion of 9-11 for Kourosh Ziabari and the Fars News Agency of Iran, as prime exhibits in understanding the real Directors of the American Empire, their endgame, and the corresponding death of the Old American Republic, the Constitution of the United States, and any true sense of what the national purpose and destiny of a free American people should really be.

Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press in the Nation's Capitol:  November 2011

Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper of the American Free Press in the Nation’s Capitol: November 2011

      My personal odyssey in all of this began in the fall of 1963 as a child.  It would accelerate at the speed of light after September 11th, 2001.  In these last dozen years, I’ve put my completion of my last graduate degree on hold, and my own career and economic prospects at extreme risk, by joining people like Piper, Mark Glenn, Merlin Miller, Adrian Krieg, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts, Tony Cartalucci, and Pepe Escobar in what is known today as Alternative Media.  My stints at the Republic Broadcasting Network and the American Free Press have been augmented in recent years by a working relationship with Press TV/Iran, and in more recent times by some brief segments with Voice of Russia.


     And to what ultimate end or purpose?  For if the truth be known, if I could now do one film documentary of my own under the direction of film producer Eugene Jarecki, it would be entitled “Why We’re Finished.”  For this is precisely what I have come to believe after the passage of all these many years.

Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof:  "Suicide of a Superpower" meets "Why We're Finished."

Pat Buchanan and Mark Dankof: “Suicide of a Superpower” meets “Why We’re Finished.”

     My conclusion is based on what should be inherently obvious.  The United States Government, its National Security Establishment, and its Corporate News Media are in the service of a political elite devoted to a New World Order under the control of International Bankers, Globalists, and Zionists.  The result is an overextended Empire militarily and economically.  We are awash in a national debt of $17.6 trillion and counting, even as the estimated $5-7 trillion that will be borrowed and spent on the ill-fated and falsely premised Iraq and Afghanistan expeditions continues to mount, while deliberately manufactured reasons to intervene militarily in Syria, Iraq, and Ukraine are bundled in packaged lies by CNN and Fox News for the consumption of the brain dead on a nightly basis. It is obvious that Israel is the driving force behind these policies, even as its domestic American lobby continues its ownership of the American government.  The published annual figures of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) tell the tale of the tape.


     Concurrently, the fiat money policies of the Federal Reserve Board continue apace, even as the manufacturing sector of the American economy continues to be exported abroad.  Fractional Reserve Banking is the ongoing order of the day for a fraudulent and evil financial system, along with credit-default swaps and derivatives. The corrosive metastasis of the social and moral agenda of the Frankfurt School’s Institute of Social Research in the United States in the last 50 years seems beyond repair.  I agree with Pat Buchanan that the Western World generally and the United States specifically, will be dead by 2025.


     The cancer is terminal.  Stage 5 has arrived.  There is no political solution that people like me can turn to for hope in another day, another time yet future.  The folks who control the money supply have purchased our Government, our Media, and our Educational Institutions.  An American Police State has come of age since September 11th, 2001, with the advance of the USA Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the warrantless surveillance of the National Security Agency (NSA), and the advent of a militarized domestic police force in our major cities and communities commensurate with the termination of Posse Comitatus laws which once prevented the Armed Forces and Federal Government of the United States from usurping the powers lawfully designated to the states and their localities.  It is a fatal mistake with recent developments in Ferguson, Missouri to assume that the sole and primary targets of this Police State are either African Americans or Americans of Islamic faith. The Missouri Information Action Report (MIAC) of 2008 reveals a partnership between the Israelified Department of  Homeland Security, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL), the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the police departments of the American states and cities to target white males who oppose the New World Order, abortion, and gay marriage while voting for candidates like Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan, as potential militia members and terrorists.

This message from Hananiah is contradicted by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 28).

This message from Hananiah is contradicted by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 28).

     Dr. Adrian Krieg and Dr. Philip Giraldi meet at the critical intersection point:  Fascism has arrived in America.  Sinclair Lewis has proven prophetic in his prediction that it would be “wrapped in the Flag and carrying the Cross.”  This is the true role of the hireling John Hagee of San Antonio’s Cornerstone Church and his Christians United for Israel (CUFI) organization, to sell genocidal wars with a racially supremacist and globalist agenda wrapped in the American Flag and the Christian Cross.  The diabolical genius of this is that neither the true national American interest or the Kingdom of God in Christ has a thing to do with Fiat Money, Fractional Reserve Banking, or the Talmudic Racial Supremacist Land Thievery of Netanyahu and Company.  But the Giraldi piece on Fascism in America this week shows how the pro-Zionist Christian Right in the United States provides much of the glue which holds this burgeoning tragedy in perpetual place, even as a national judgment upon this country by the Biblical God is unfolding.  The Chris Kyles of The Realm are the triggermen.  The Marquis J. McCantses of The Realm are the benevolent and unsuspecting cannon fodder.

The American Sniper Receives the "Grateful Nation" award from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).  Jewish Air Force Chief of Staff Norman Schwartz presenting.  But what "Grateful Nation" is referenced at this event?

The American Sniper Receives the “Grateful Nation” award from the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). Jewish Air Force Chief of Staff Norman Schwartz presenting. But what “Grateful Nation” is referenced at this event?

      The final straws would seem to be the American, Israeli, and EU sponsored coup in Kiev, Ukraine, and the Neo-Conservative cry for an American military intervention in Syria and Iraq to combat an ISIS organization which is a specific creation of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the GCC states for just this very purpose.


     In the case of Ukraine, the taped conversation of American Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland (the wife of Neo-Conservative/Zionist zealot Robert Kagan), and the American Ambassador to the Ukraine, reveals the plot which overthrew that country’s legitimately elected government as part of the ongoing and irresponsible encirclement policy of Putin’s Russia by NATO. This policy is not merely the official breaking of the promises made by Republican Presidents to Gorbachev and Yeltsin that the United States would not recruit former Eastern Bloc countries for NATO membership or as hosts of NATO military hardware moved closer to Russian borders.  It has recklessly placed the United States in the position of being in a potential military showdown with a nuclear power, even as the American government supports an illegitimate government in Kiev and Ukraine peppered with Dual Israeli Citizen Oligarchs and EU-Affiliated Bankers.  The atrocities against Russian ethnics in Eastern Ukraine culminating in the fiery murders which resulted from the Odessa Trade Union torching at the hands of thugs controlled by the installed government, is now matched by the shootdown of Malaysian Airlines MH17.  The American government and media began weaving and spinning the myth that Russia and the pro-Russian rebels of Eastern Ukraine were responsible for this atrocity.  It proved as false as the phony accusation that Assad of Syria had used nerve gas against his opponents in Ghouta.  The evidence there pointed once more in the opposite direction.

The Odessa Trade Union Fire:  The Work of the Latest American-Installed "Government."

The Odessa Trade Union Fire: The Work of the Latest American-Installed “Government.”

       In the case of the manufactured hysteria over the operations of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer lays out the ultimate endgame of the United States and Israel:  the removal of President Assad of Syria as a precursor to a preemptive war with Iran to satisfy both Netanyahu and the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia.  In Iraq, the demise of the al-Maliki regime with one more amenable to an ongoing American military presence in that country in perpetuity, has already been achieved.


       Which brings me back to the foundational premise of this article entitled “Why We’re Finished”:  


     The American Empire, wedded to Zionism and a World Government empowered by Globalist Banking and Multinational Corporations, is the chief enabler of evil on this planet.  It is the chief adversary of peace abroad, even as it serves as the chief adversary of its own people.  The American Military is the armed Janissary force of this Beast.  It exists solely for this purpose, and is as much a chief threat to the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States as it is to the people of Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Palestine, and elsewhere.  The American National Security State has used Islamophobia and Russophobia to justify the targeting of its own citizens, especially political dissidents.  The American Church has maintained its 501c3 tax status by wrapping these policies in the Flag and carrying them with the Cross.  The American People are worried about the Ebola virus and AIDS, when they have been terminally infected with the Gadarene Swine Fallacy.  The cliff is closer than most can possibly imagine.

Sarah Palin and American Fascism:  She forgot the Star of Rothschild on her office desk.

Sarah Palin and American Fascism: She forgot the Star of Rothschild on her office desk.

     This is Why We’re Finished.  For those who have recently inquired, I’m presently reassessing how and when I continue in broadcasting, news analysis, and op-ed commentary.  If I do at all.  At the present time, I question my own effectiveness in the environment in which I operate, for a constituency whose vibrancy is a relic of a long forgotten past in the midst of a people with terminal amnesia and calcified indifference.


     For now, I’m working on theological presentations for the remnant church, and looking at finishing my thesis on Christian Zionism for my last degree while sustaining a theological German exam in the next year.  The Old American Republic is dead.  The American Empire wants to destroy all of us who believe in Republic, not in Empire.  I see no reason to believe the American public has the insight and the guts to stand up to this onslaught.  We Are Truly Finished.

John on Patmos:  Exiled Because of Resistance to the Emperor Worship Cultus of Domitian  (A. D. 81-96).

John on Patmos: Exiled Because of Resistance to the Emperor Worship Cultus of Domitian
(A. D. 81-96).



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