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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


Sudanese Civilian-Military Dialogue Ends with Calls for Peace, Security, RSF Would Not Wage War Against Army

Sudan Tribune, February 26, 2023



Abdel Rahim Daglo, second commander of the Rapid Support Forces speaks to his troops on Feb 26 2023



RSF would not wage war against Sudanese army: second commander

Sudan Tribune, February 26, 2023 (KHARTOUM) –

Abdel Rahim Daglo Second Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Sunday ruled out the possibility of fighting between their forces and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Recently, the Sudanese army’s top leaders repeated regular calls to integrate the paramilitary forces in the regular army as they are annoyed by his dissonant statements against their position on the framework agreement.

Media reports said the RSF mobilized its troops in Khartoum State where new batches arrived from Darfur and other areas to the capital where their commander is expected to return in the coming days from the United Arab Emirates.

Addressing, his troops at the RSF headquarters in Khartoum, Daglo referred to the army commanders’ statements about the RSF. He said the media recently reported several statements aiming at distorting the RSF image and destroying their morale and pushing them to carry out reckless actions.

“The reason for this is because you are on the right track: protecting the homeland and defenceless people,” he said.

The second commander further pointed out the positions of RSF from the former regime saying its commander has a famous position before April 11, 2019, in support of the Sudanese revolution. Also, he added that he had a “great position” after the October 25 coup, and has supported the framework agreement.

“We will never change our positions and we will not back down from them. We are with the one army, we are with reform. This is a pledge we have made to the Sudanese people and we will not break it,” he stressed.

On April 9, 2019, Hemetti stated that his troops would never disperse the sit-in of the protesters outside the army command. His position encouraged other generals including the head of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) to oust General Omer al-Bashir on April 2019.

Since then he supported al-Burhan to get rid of the Islamist generals in the army.

The second commander, however, reassured that no clash would occur between them and the army.

“It is impossible for your brothers in the army to raise weapons in your face, or for you to raise weapons in their face. We are all one hand to build our dear homeland and return it to its normal position,” he said.

Before Daglo’s speech, the RSF troops displayed military vehicles, including heavily armed four-wheel drive vehicles and armoured vehicles.

On February 25, General Yasir al-Atta, a Member of the Sovereign Council, spoke about the need to integrate the RSF into the army. In addition, he said that its leader owns a private army to protect his business and economic activities.

RSF would not wage war against Sudanese army: second commander - Sudan Tribune


Another Sudanese general renews calls to integrate RSF into the national army

Sudan Tribune, February 25, 2023 (KHARTOUM) –

General Yasir al-Atta Khartoum, a member of the Sovereign Council, joined calls by the army leaders to integrate the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) into the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), saying that the existence of a parallel army would lead to the collapse of the country.

The influence of Mohamed Hamdan Daglo “Hemetti” RSF Commander and Deputy Head of the Sovereign Council, has been openly contested by the army’s top leaders after statements by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan SAF commander-in-chief on February 16, when he asserted his support for the Framework Agreement because it would end the parallel existence of the RSF.

“The RSF must be integrated into the blessed womb from which it was born earlier,” al-Atta said, referring to the army.  ‘There is no respectable modern democracy with two armies. To establish a modern state, there must be a single, independent, national, and strong army under the authority of a political democratic state,” he stressed.

Al-Burhan and Hemetti are at odds over the framework agreement as the army chief calls to open the deal for more political forces in harmony with the position of two former rebel groups. The RSF commander call to be committed to the agreed parties.

Hemetti angered al-Burhan when he spoke about the involvement of former army generals in a coup attempt to overthrow the Russian-backed president of the Central African Republic. Also, he is blamed for his close cooperation with Russian mercenaries in the neighbouring country.

Al-Atta who was addressing a collective wedding in the River Nile State said that the combatants of the signatories of the Juba Peace Agreement should also be integrated into the national army in accordance with the Juba Peace Agreement.

After that, he referred again to the economic activities of the RSF commander, saying that “personal and economic gains in the sense of owning a private army could lead to the collapse of the Sudanese state.”

This is the first time that an army leader pinpoints the economic activities of the RSF leader who is working in the mining, agriculture and transport sectors.

On February 6, a member of the Sovereignty Council, Shams al-Din Kabbashi, called for the formation of a single army by integrating the paramilitary force into the army and implementing security arrangements for the armed groups.

Hemetti who is currently outside Sudan in the UAE reiterated on February 19, his commitment to the integration of the RSF into the national army and stressed that they are already part of the Sudan Armed Forces.

Al-Atta stated that the armed forces believe in the need to achieve the goals of the December revolution and the democratic transition.

He pledged that the army would work to protect the homeland from internal and external threats and protect the people’s choice for the democratic transition, in addition to its commitment to its duty to prevent the state from collapsing.

“The armed forces are not afraid of internal and external threats, and we renew the commitment of the commander-in-chief to support any keen effort to reach a democratic transition, achieve the dream of our youth and secure access to free and fair elections,” he said.

Another Sudanese general renews calls to integrate RSF into the national army - Sudan Tribune


Civilian-military dialogue ends with calls for peace, security

Sudan Tribune, February 23, 2023 (OTOGO) –

A civilian-military dialogue held in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State concluded Thursday with calls for peace and security.

The dialogue, organised by Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO), took place in Otogo payam of Yei River County from February 21-23.

Over 100 people attended the dialogue aimed at building trust and confidence through reconciliation to restore peaceful co-existence, acceptance, tolerance and social cohesion between civilians and the military.

Speaking at the opening of the event, Malish John Scopas, CEPO’s project officer in Yei said the dialogue was platform for mediating issues between civilians and the military.

“The dialogue is a mechanism to identify issues between the military and civilians to find ways of addressing them. It important that the two parties engage in reconciliation in order to find better solutions to existing problems,” he explained.

Malish appealed to the government and stakeholders in the peace process to redouble efforts aimed at ensuring dialogue takes place all levels of the country.

Due to the continued presence of armed rebel groups in the area and its neighbouring counties, the situation in Yei River County changed significantly following the escalation of conflict in 2016. This resulted in significant internal displacement and migration across neighbouring countries like Uganda.

The Commissioner of Yei River County Aggrey Cyrus Kanyikwa admits that due to the conflict on 2016, civilians and the military have been put onto a collision path.

“This dialogue is intended to bring us together to an understanding as government, military and the community. Dialogue will allow people forgive themselves and opens opportunities for those who fled to return home,” he said.

The official called for a comprehensive awareness programme, citing the need to enlighten citizens on the provisions of the September 2018 peace agreement.

For his part the payam sub-chief, Mario Amule said the improved relationships between the military and civilians has reduced killings and looting of properties.

“The national government should prioritise peace and deliver services like schools, good roads and hospitals to benefit the population in Otogo payam,” he stressed.

The area South Sudanese army (SSPDF) commander called on parties to the peace deal to implement the security arrangements within in the peace accord.

The need to deploy police forces, provision of enough food to soldiers, full implementation of the peace agreement and continuation of the Rome peace talks, among others, were some of the key recommendations from the dialogue.

The Reconciliation, Stabilization, and Resilience in South Sudan (RSRTF) project is designed to help communities in Yei, Lainya, Morobo and Kajo-Keji reconcile and end violence, bring stability where they live, and create new incentives to sustain peaceful coexistence. It led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) with support from the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), CEPO, Support for Peace and Education Development Programme (SPEDP), Finn Church Aid (FCA) and the Whitaker Peace and Development Initiative (WPDI).

Civilian-military dialogue ends with calls for peace, security - Sudan Tribune

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