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News, February 2023


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


14 Palestinians, 2 Israelis Killed,

Scores of Palestinians Injured and Abducted,

Homes Demolished by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces

February 16-26, 2023 

Editor's Note:

"ãöäú ÃóÌúáö Ðóٰáößó ßóÊóÈúäóÇ Úóáóìٰ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó Ãóäøóåõ ãóä ÞóÊóáó äóÝúÓðÇ ÈöÛóíúÑö äóÝúÓò Ãóæú ÝóÓóÇÏò Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÝóßóÃóäøóãóÇ ÞóÊóáó ÇáäøóÇÓó ÌóãöíÚðÇ"  (ÇáãÇÆÏÉõ ¡ 5: 32).

"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

Video Player
Mohammad Ismael Jawabra, 22, died of wounds sustained by Israeli fire on February 24, 2023 Mohammad Sami Abu Al-Omarein, 24, died of wounds sustained by Israeli fire in 2018, February 23, 2023 Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, died of wounds sustained in early February, on February 23, 2023
A Palestinian woman grieving the Israeli killing of her son, during a raid by the Israeli occupation soldiers on Nablus, February 22, 2023

Demolition of Palestinian homes, February 22, 2023

Montaser Mohammad Thieb Shawwa, 16, died of wounds sustained by fire from Israeli occupation soldiers in Nablus, February 21, 2023  
Palestinian martyred who were killed by Israeli occupation soldiers in Nablus,
on February 22, 2023

The following news stories are from:

Killing of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds After Israeli Occupation Soldiers Shot Him Thursday

 FEB 24, 2023

On Friday dawn, medical sources at the Al-Ahli Hospital in the southern West Bank city of Hebron confirmed the death of a young man whom Israeli occupation soldiers shot and seriously injured Thursday.

The sources said the colonizers shot Mohammad Ismael Jawabra, 22, in the Al-Arroub refugee camp north of Hebron.

They added that Mohammad suffered a serious headshot wound, causing a skull fracture, serious brain damage and hemorrhaging.

The medics rushed him to the Al-Ahli hospital before he was rushed to surgery and remained in a critical condition until he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The Israeli occupation soldiers shot Jawabra while trying to help his neighbors in the refugee camp after the soldiers invaded it, leading to protests, and fired a barrage of live rounds at several homes.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said Jawabra’s death brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers and paramilitary colonizers to 65, including thirteen children, four elders, and a detainee who died from medical neglect.

On Thursday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli soldiers in Jenin, in the northern West Bank, two weeks ago.

On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers killed eleven Palestinians, injured more than 102, six seriously, and caused more than  250 Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation and other minor wounds.

The slain Palestinians are Adnan Sabe’ Ba’ara, 72, Anan Shawkat Ennab, 66, Jasser Jamil Qaneer, 23, Mohammad Farid Sha’ban, 16, Abdul-Hadi Abdul-Aziz Ashqar, 61, Walid Riyad Dakheel, 23, Mohammad Omar Al-Juneidi, 23, Husam Bassam Isleem, 24, Mos’ab Monir Oweiss, 26, Tamer Nimir Minawi, 33, and Mohammad Khaled Anbousi, 25

On Tuesday, Palestinian sources reported that a Palestinian, Mohammad Sami Abu Al-Omarein, 24, who Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured in 2018 east of Jabalia in northern Gaza, died from his wounds.

Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered In Gaza In 2018

 FEB 23, 2023

Palestinian sources have reported that a Palestinian, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli occupation army fire in the year 2018 in northern Gaza, died from his wounds on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

The sources said the Palestinian, Mohammad Sami Abu Al-Omarein, 24, was injured east of Jabalia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli soldiers injured the Palestinians during the Great Return March that started near the perimeter fence along the eastern parts of the besieged Gaza Strip on March 30, 2018, which also marks Palestinian Land Day.

More than 200 Palestinians, including medics and journalists, were killed near the fence along the eastern parts of the Gaza Strip during the Great Return March protests that went in for 86 weeks.

Israeli occupation soldiers also injured more than 33,000 Palestinians, including many who suffered serious wounds, and had their limbs amputated, especially due to the Israeli use of illegal expanding bullets,

Among the slain and injured Palestinians were many medics, such as Razan Ashraf Najjar, 22, who was killed on June 1, 2018, and journalists, such as photojournalist Yasser Mortaja, 31, who was killed on April 6, 2018.

On Thursday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli soldiers in Jenin, in the northern West Bank, two weeks ago.

On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers killed eleven Palestinians, injured more than 102, six seriously, and caused more than  250 Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation and other minor wounds.

Palestinian From Jenin Dies From Serious Wounds Suffer Earlier This Month

 FEB 23, 2023

On Thursday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of a young man who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli occupation soldiers in Jenin, in the northern West Bank, two weeks ago.

The Health Ministry identified the young man as Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, and added that the soldiers shot him with several live rounds in the abdomen.

On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers killed eleven Palestinians, injured more than 102, six seriously, and caused more than  250 Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation and other minor wounds.

Israeli Occupation Army Kills Eleven Palestinians, Shoot 102, Six Seriously, In Nablus”

 FEB 23, 2023

After a Palestinian man, 66, died from the severe effects of tear gas inhalation, the Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that the Israeli occupation soldiers have killed eleven Palestinians and injured more than 102 during the Wednesday Israeli offensive on Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Health Ministry said Anan Shawkat Ennab, 66, was rushed to a hospital in Nablus, suffering the severe effects of tear gas inhalation and succumbed to his wounds despite all efforts to revive him.

It confirmed that the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation soldiers during the Israeli offensive on Nablus, Wednesday, is eleven and added that the number of wounded Palestinians is 102, including six who suffered very serious wounds.

One of the slain Palestinians, Abdul-Hadi Al-Ashqar, 61, was sent to the Najah National University where his son, Elias, who works as a nurse at the Emergency Unit, was shocked to see his father there, and despite all efforts, the father died in his arms.

The soldiers also killed and injured many Palestinians while trying to seek shelter from their gunfire.

The slain Palestinians, as officially confirmed by the Palestinian Health Ministry, are:

Anan Shawkat Ennab, 66. Adnan Sabe’ Ba’ara, 72. Mohammad Khaled Anbousi, 25. Tamer Nimir Ahmad Minawi, 33. Mos’ab Monir Mohammad Oweiss, 26. Husam Bassam Isleem, 24. Mohammad Abu Kabr Al-Juneidi, 23. Walid Riyad Hussein Dakheel, 23. Abdul-Hadi Abdul-Aziz Ashqar, 61. Mohammad Farid Sha’ban, 16. Jasser Jamil Abdul-Wahab Qaneer, 23.

Palestinians who the soldiers shot with live fire: 102, six seriously: – 47 Palestinians, including three who suffered life-threatening wounds, were rushed to Rafidia governmental hospital.

– 20 Palestinians, including one who suffered life-threatening wounds to the back and abdomen, were rushed to Nablus Speciality Hospital.

– 15 Palestinians, including three who suffered life-threatening wounds, were rushed to the Najah Hospital.

– 9 Palestinians were shot with live fire and were rushed to the Women’s Union Hospital.

– 11 Palestinians were shot with live fire and were rushed to the Arab Specialty Hospital.

– More than 250 Palestinians suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation, and other minor wounds.

The Israeli occupation army said two of its soldiers were injured during exchanges of fire with Palestinian fighters in Nablus.

Update 3: “Israeli Army Kills Ten Palestinians, Shoot 102, Six Seriously, In Nablus” Feb 22, 2023 at 15:10

Update 3: The Palestinian Health Ministry has confirmed that Israeli soldiers killed Ten Palestinians, including a child, and shot one hundred and two with live fire, including six who suffered life-threatening wounds, during the invasion of Nablus city. Three journalists are among the wounded Palestinians.

Seriously Injured Child Dies From His Wounds In Nablus

 FEB 21, 2023

On Monday evening, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of a Palestinian child who Israeli occupation soldiers shot and seriously injured on February 8th after the army invaded Nablus, in the northern West Bank.

The Health Ministry said the child, Montaser Mohammad Thieb Shawwa, 16, was shot in the head and added that the bullet struck him behind his ear and exited through his mouth.

The Ministry also said that the child arrived at Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus without a pulse or heartbeat, was resuscitated before surgery, and remained in intensive care hooked to respiratory machines.

The Health Ministry said the child’s killing brings the death toll to fifty since the beginning of this year. Israeli soldiers killed 45 Palestinians, including twelve children and one woman, in the West Bank, in addition to a detainee who died from medical neglect, while paramilitary colonizers killed four Palestinians.


Two Israeli Settlers Killed In A Shooting In Huwwara Near Nablus

 FEB 26, 2023

Israeli sources have confirmed Sunday, the death of two Israeli settlers who were shot from a passing Palestinian car in Huwwara town, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The sources said the Israeli army and paramedics administered first aid to the two colonizers, who were unconscious and in critical condition, before rushing them to Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva, where they succumbed to their wounds.

According to Israeli Ynet News, the Palestinians fired at the colonizers from point-blank range and sped away. The colonizers were shot while driving their car in Huwwara.

In addition, Israeli National News said the two Israelis were reportedly in their twenties and added that the paramedics and the army’s medical force administered first aid before placing them in military intensive care vehicles and rushing them to a medical center.

The Israeli army initiated massive search campaigns in Huwwara and all surrounding areas and closed many streets to locate the shooters.

After the shooting, dozens of paramilitary colonizers invaded Huwwara, Burin, and Qaryout towns and burnt a Palestinian car.

The colonizers also attacked the home of Abdullah Huwwari in Huwwara and burnt the property.

The Quds News Network said the colonizer burnt two under-construction Palestinian homes and a barn and attacked many homes, wounding at least one young man.

The army also closed Huwwara and Awarta military roadblocks and searched dozens of Palestinian vehicles before more troops were deployed in the area.

Dozens of Palestinians protested the closure of the Huwwara military roadblock before the army attacked them with live rounds, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

It is worth mentioning that the paramilitary colonizers have frequently been invading Huwwata, attacking the Palestinians and their homes and shops, and burning cars.

Earlier Sunday, many paramilitary colonizers invaded Yanoun village, south of Nablus, attacked and detained a Palestinian family on their land while Israeli soldiers installed roadblocks and prevented the Palestinians from helping the family.

Also Sunday, Israeli military bulldozers uprooted Palestinian farmlands in Shoufa village, southeast of Tulkarem in the northern West Bank, after the army closed and isolated the entire area.

On February 23, 2023, Israeli soldiers killed Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, In Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

The day before Mohammad’s death, Israeli soldiers killed eleven Palestinians, injured more than 102, six seriously, and caused more than  250 Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation and other minor wounds.

Injuring of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers 

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Shoot Two Teenage Boys, Abduct One, Near Ramallah

 FEB 26, 2023

On Friday night, Israeli occupation soldiers shot two teenage boys and abducted one, near Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers opened fire at the two boys near Beit Sira, wounding Mohammad Yasser Hamdan, 17, in the lower extremities, before abducting the two.

The Israeli occupation soldiers closed streets in the area, stopped and searched cars, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

On Saturday, illegal Israeli colonizers injured four Palestinians, including a man and his sons, attacked shepherds, and burnt cars in Jericho, Nablus, and Ramallah.

In related news, the soldiers abducted eleven Palestinians, including siblings, in the As-Samu’ town, south of Hebron, in the West Bank’s southern part.

Also Saturday, the soldiers invaded Palestinian farmlands in the Samra area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and abducted a Palestinian man, his wife, and their son.

Illegal Israeli Settlers Injure Man And His Sons, Damage Property, And Burn Cars

 FEB 26, 2023

On Saturday, illegal Israeli settlers injured four Palestinians, including a man and his sons, attacked shepherds, and burnt cars in Jericho, Nablus, and Ramallah.

Media sources said the paramilitary colonizers assaulted Fayez Abdul-Dayem and his son west of Salfit in the central West Bank, causing cuts and bruises and damaging their car.

The attack is not the first against the family, especially since its lands are frequently invaded by the paramilitary colonizers who seek to expand the illegal colonialist outpost they set up on stolen Palestinian lands in the Ar-Ras area.

After stealing its contents and cutting several trees near it, the colonizers also damaged an agricultural room owned by Nazeeh Al-Aneed, in Silwad town, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

In addition, the colonizers invaded Burin village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, and burnt two cars owned by Edrees Al-Huwwari.

During the invasion, the colonizers assaulted another Palestinian, causing several cuts and bruises, before he was rushed to a hospital in Nablus.

In Jericho, in the northeastern West Bank, the colonizers chased Palestinian shepherds in the Al-Mo’arrajat area and forced them to live while threatening to shoot them.

The shepherds are Jamal Suleiman Mleihat, Suleiman Atallah Mleihat, Ismat Ata Ka’abna and Mohammad Suleiman Ka’abna.

In related news, the soldiers abducted eleven Palestinians, including siblings, in the As-Samu’ town, south of Hebron, in the West Bank’s southern part.

Also Saturday, the soldiers invaded Palestinian farmlands in the Samra area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and abducted a Palestinian man, his wife, and their son.

Israeli Occupation Army Attacks Nonviolent Protesters Near Tubas

 FEB 24, 2023

On Friday, Israeli occupation soldiers attacked a nonviolent procession near the Tayasir military roadblock east of Tubas in the northeastern West Bank.

The Palestinian Detainees’ Committee, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, the Tubas governorate, and the Wall & Colonization Resistance Commission organized the procession to protest the seriously escalating Israeli violations.

The Palestinians held noon prayers near residential structures Israel wants to demolish in the Al-Aqaba village and marched towards the roadblock while chanting against the Israeli violations and in solidarity with the Palestinian detainees.

Younis Al-‘Aasi, the governor of Tubas and the Northern Plans, said Israel continues to target the Palestinians, their homes, lands, and their holy sites and is escalating its crimes against the detainees in addition to the ongoing demolition of homes and structures, especially since just five days ago the army issues orders for the demolition of five structures in the Al-Aqaba village, east of Tubas.

Kamal Bani Odah, the head of the Tubas office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), said Israel is imposing serious restrictions on the political prisoners and stripping them from basic rights guaranteed by International Law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Also Friday, the soldiers shot two Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation during the weekly procession in Kufur Qaddoum, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia.

Furthermore, the soldiers injured several Palestinians, one seriously, in Hebron in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

On Thursday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli soldiers in Jenin, in the northern West Bank, two weeks ago.

On Friday dawn, medical sources at the Al-Ahli Hospital in the southern West Bank city of Hebron confirmed the death of Mohammad Ismael Jawabra, 22, whom Israeli occupation soldiers shot and seriously injured Thursday.

On Tuesday, Palestinian sources reported that a Palestinian, Mohammad Sami Abu Al-Omarein, 24, who Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured in 2018 east of Jabalia in northern Gaza, died from his wounds.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Shoot Two Palestinians In Kufur Qaddoum

 FEB 24, 2023

On Friday, Israeli occupation soldiers shot two Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation during the weekly procession in Kufur Qaddoum, east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia.

The Palestinians marched carrying Palestinian flags and chanting for ongoing struggle until liberation in independence.

They held the procession to condemn the Israeli Israeli violations, including the killing of eleven Palestinians on Wednesday in Nablus, in the northern west Bank.

Last Friday, the soldiers injured two young men and an international solidarity activist during the weekly procession in Kufur Qaddoum.

The Palestinians hold weekly processions every Friday and Saturday in Kufur Qaddoum, demanding the army to reopen the town’s main entrance, blockaded 19 years ago to allow easy access to illegal colonizers driving to and from Kedumim colony, built on stolen Palestinian lands.

On Thursday dawn, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed the death of Mohammad Nabil Fawzi Abu Sabah, 29, who was shot and seriously injured by Israeli soldiers in Jenin, in the northern West Bank, two weeks ago.

On Friday dawn, medical sources at the Al-Ahli Hospital in the southern West Bank city of Hebron confirmed the death of Mohammad Ismael Jawabra, 22, whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured Thursday.

On Tuesday, Palestinian sources reported that a Palestinian, Mohammad Sami Abu Al-Omarein, 24, who Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured in 2018 east of Jabalia in northern Gaza, died from his wounds.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Injure Several Palestinians, One Seriously, In Hebron

 FEB 24, 2023

On Friday, Israeli occupation soldiers injured several Palestinians, one seriously, during a nonviolent procession organized by Dismantle The Ghetto Campaign, in the Bab Az-Zawiya area in Hebron in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers attacked the protesters with live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

They added that the soldiers shot Osama Al-Qawasmi, a member of the Revolutionary Council of Fateh movement and its spokesperson, with a concussion grenade in the face.

Another Palestinian, Hashem Badareen, was critically after being struck in the head with a stun grenade. He hemorrhage in the brain before he was rushed to a hospital in a serious condition.

The Israeli occupation soldiers also shot several Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets in their legs and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

The Palestinians were marching in commemoration of the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre, when on February 25, 1994, a Jewish settler named Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli army physician, opened indiscriminate fire from his army-issued automatic rifle at hundreds of Muslims as they were performing the dawn prayer on a Ramadan day.

After several minutes of shooting, 29 worshippers were killed, and 150 others were wounded before people were able to overcome the murderer and end his life.

Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Abduct Eight Palestinians Near Hebron

 FEB 26, 2023

On Saturday, Israeli occupation soldiers abducted eleven Palestinians, including siblings, in the As-Samu’ town, south of Hebron, in the West Bank’s southern part.

Media sources said the soldiers invaded Palestinian agricultural lands in the town and attacked several families while working on their lands and preparing them.

They added that the soldiers abducted Anan Hussein Abu Mazen, Mohammad Hamad Abu Mazen and his brother Hussein, and Nassar Mahmoud Za’areer while working on their lands in the Al-Hamam area, southwest of the town.

The soldiers also abducted Hamad and his brother Amer Nawwaf Mahareeq, Mos’ab, and his brother Yassin Ibrahim Mahareeq, while working on their lands in the nearby Al-Baha area in the Khirbat Anteer village.

Also Saturday, the soldiers invaded Palestinian farmlands in the Samra area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, and abducted a Palestinian man, his wife, and their son.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Abduct A Husband, His Wife, And Son In Hebron

 FEB 25, 2023

On Saturday, Israeli occupation soldiers invaded Palestinian farmlands in the Samra area in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the southern part of the West Bank, and abducted a Palestinian man, his wife, and their son.

Rateb Jabour, the coordinator of the National and Popular Committees against the Annexation Wall and Colonies, said the Palestinians were working on their agricultural land near the illegal Mitzpe Yair and Yacoub Dalia illegal colonies, built on stolen Palestinian lands in Masafer Yatta.

Jabour identified the abducted father as Sa’id Awad and added that the attack is part of frequent violations, especially since the illegal colonizers repeatedly invade Palestinian lands, damage property and uproot trees and crops.

In related news, the Israeli occupation soldiers invaded the Shu’ab Al-Batem area in Masafer Yatta and confiscated construction materials on land owned by Yousef Jabarin.

Israeli Occupation Army Abducts Eight Palestinians In Ramallah, Jenin, Jericho, and Jerusalem

 FEB 25, 2023

On Friday evening, Israeli occupation soldiers abducted eight Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, including three children, in Ramallah, Jenin, Jericho, and Jerusalem.

The soldiers invaded Silwad town, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, leading to protests, and abducted three teenage boys after shooting one of them.

In Jenin, in the northern West Bank, the soldiers abducted two young men, Mohammad Allam, Souqiyya, and Mer’ery Ahmad Mer’ey, after stopping them at a military roadblock southwest of the city.

In Jericho, in the northeastern West Bank, the soldiers abducted Islam Fakhr Awadat, 25, and Ahmad Najada, 25, from the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp southwest of the city.

The two Palestinians were abducted after the soldiers invaded an area adjacent to the refugee camp and closed streets.

Also, several Israeli occupation army jeeps invaded Fasayel village, north of Jericho, before the soldiers stormed and ransacked more than five homes and interrogated the families.

In occupied Jerusalem, the soldiers abducted Nizar Abatly, from the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia while leaving the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Also Friday, the soldiers abducted three Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem in the West Bank and installed roadblocks on all alleys and streets leading to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

On Friday dawn, medical sources at the Al-Ahli Hospital in the southern West Bank city of Hebron confirmed the death of Mohammad Ismael Jawabra, 22, whom Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured Thursday.

On Wednesday, Israeli occupation soldiers killed eleven Palestinians, injured more than 102, six seriously, and caused more than  250 Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation and other minor wounds.

The slain Palestinians are Adnan Sabe’ Ba’ara, 72, Anan Shawkat Ennab, 66, Jasser Jamil Qaneer, 23, Mohammad Farid Sha’ban, 16, Abdul-Hadi Abdul-Aziz Ashqar, 61, Walid Riyad Dakheel, 23, Mohammad Omar Al-Juneidi, 23, Husam Bassam Isleem, 24, Mos’ab Monir Oweiss, 26, Tamer Nimir Minawi, 33, and Mohammad Khaled Anbousi, 25

On Tuesday, Palestinian sources reported that a Palestinian, Mohammad Sami Abu Al-Omarein, 24, who Israeli soldiers shot and seriously injured in 2018 east of Jabalia in northern Gaza, died from his wounds.

Demolition of of Palestinian Homes by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Occupation Army Demolishes A Palestinian Home Near Jericho

 FEB 22, 2023

On Wednesday, Israeli occupation soldiers invaded the Dyouk At-Tahta village north of Jericho in the northeastern West Bank, Palestine TV said.

Palestine TV added that many army vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded the Esteih area in the village after surrounding and isolating it.

The soldiers demolished then a two-story home under the pretext of being built without a permit from the so-called “Civil Administration Office,” the administrative branch of the illegal Israeli occupation.

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Video By Palestine TV

Also Wednesday, the soldiers demolished a Palestinian home and injured several Palestinians in the Al-Walaja village, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

On January 10th, 2023, the soldiers invaded the Dyouk At-Tahta village north of Jericho and demolished a rental Villa and several commercial structures.

On January 18th, the soldiers invaded the Al-Jiftlik village north of Jericho and demolished two homes.

In mid-December of 2022, the army invaded Al-Jiftlik and demolished four Palestinian homes.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Demolish A Palestinian Home Near Bethlehem

 FEB 22, 2023

On Wednesday, Israeli soldiers demolished a Palestinian home, and injured several Palestinians, in the Al-Walaja village, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

Khader Al-A’raj, the Mayor of Al-Walaja, said a large military force, including a bulldozer, invaded the Ein Jweiza area in Al-Walaja, and demolished a 110 square-meter home owned by Ghadeer Al-Atrash, on her land.

Al-A’raj added that the soldiers closed and isolated the village and isolated the Jweiza area before demolishing the property.

The invasion and the demolition led to protests before the soldiers fired gas bombs and concussion grenades, causing many Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

On February 1, the Israeli occupation soldiers demolished two Palestinian homes in Beit Jala city and the Al-Walaja village.

Ein Jweiza has been subject to frequent and escalating Israeli violations for several years, including demolishing many homes and buildings and bulldozing and confiscating lands for Israel’s illegal colonialist activities.

While the Israeli occupation regime continues to build and expand its illegal colonies, Palestinian communities and towns in occupied Jerusalem and various areas in the occupied West Bank continue to be denied the right to build homes and property under various allegations meant to prevent the expansion of Palestinian towns and neighborhoods.

This happens while Israel continues to build and expand its illegal, segregated colonies in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem, in direct violation of International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and various United Nations and Security Council resolutions.

The Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including those in and around occupied East Jerusalem, are illegal under International Law, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and various United Nations and Security Council resolutions. They also constitute war crimes under International Law.

Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” It also prohibits the “individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory.”


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