Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, August 2023


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


15 Palestinians Killed, Scores Injured and Abducted, Homes and Property Demolished by Israeli Occupation Regime Forces, August 1- 20, 2023 


One Israeli Security Guard and Two Settlers were Killed by Palestinians, on August 5 and August 19, 2023.


Editor's Note:

"ãöäú ÃóÌúáö Ðóٰáößó ßóÊóÈúäóÇ Úóáóìٰ Èóäöí ÅöÓúÑóÇÆöíáó Ãóäøóåõ ãóäú ÞóÊóáó äóÝúÓðÇ ÈöÛóíúÑö äóÝúÓò Ãóæú ÝóÓóÇÏò Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö ÝóßóÃóäøóãóÇ ÞóÊóáó ÇáäøóÇÓó ÌóãöíÚðÇ"  (ÇáúãóÇÆöÏóÉõ ¡ 5: 32).

"æóãóäú íóÞúÊõáú ãõÄúãöäðÇ ãøõÊóÚóãøöÏðÇ ÝóÌóÒóÇÄõåõ Ìóåóäøóãõ ÎóÇáöÏðÇ ÝöíåóÇ æóÛóÖöÈó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúåö æóáóÚóäóåõ æóÃóÚóÏøó áóåõ ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ÚóÙöíãðÇ" (ÇáäøöÓóÇÁõ ¡ 4: 93).


"Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul, unless for a soul, or for corruption in the land, it is as if he had killed humankind entirely" (The Holy Quran, Al-Ma-ida, 5: 32).

"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him, and has cursed him, and has prepared for him a great torment" (The Holy Quran, Al-Nisa, 4: 93).


While brutal force has been used to create Zionist Israel and sustain it thus far, Zionist claims to Palestine are false. Actually, from the five thousand years of known written history, there has been a continuous Palestinian-Canaanite presence in the Holy Land. Despite the Zionist false claims, the ancient Israelites ruled part of the land for only 85 years (during the reign of David, Solomon, and Solomon's son).

 After that, the Egyptians conquered Palestine-Canaan in 925 BC, followed by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans, before the Arab Muslim rule, starting from 636 AD.

By the Time Jesus started his mission, the three population groups of Canaanites, Palestinians, and Israelites were melted together in religion and language. Most of them became Christians when Constantine converted in 313 AD. Then, most of them became Muslims in the 7th and 8th centuries AD.

So, Palestinian Muslims, Christians, and Jews are the ones who have the right to claim descent from ancient Israelites, Palestinians, and Canaanites, not Zionists from other continents.

The following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, of the Israeli occupation government abuse, mistreatment, and violations of Palestinian human rights, on daily basis.

More detailed news stories can be found at the following sources:,,,

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Mu'hammed Abu Assab, 19, died of wounds on August 19, 2023, sustained by Israeli occupation soldiers' fire in Balata, Nablus, on August 16, 2023 Mustafa al-Kastouni, 32, was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers and his home was destroyed by Israeli occupation soldiers, in Jenin, on August 17, 2023 Qusai Omar al-Walaji, 16, and Muhammad Ribhi Nujoom, 25, were killed by Israeli occupation soldiers in Aqbat Jabir, on August 15, 2023
Ma'hmood Jihad Al-Jarad, 23, was killed in Tulkarim refugee camp, on August 11, 2023 Amir Ahmed Mu'hammed Khalfia, 27, was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers, in Zawata, on August 10, 2023 Ramzi Fat'hi Hamid, 17,  died, on August 7, 2023, 6 days after he was shot by an illegal Israeli settler, northeast of Ramallah
Louay Abu Naasa, Nayif Abu Swais, 26, and Baraa Al-Qarm, 15, were killed by Israeli occupation soldiers, in Arraba, Jenin, on August 6, 2023 imemc Kamal Abu Bakr, 22, was killed by an Israeli security guard in Tel Aviv, after killing an Israeli security guard, on August 5, 2023 Qusai Jamal Ma'atan, 19, was killed by an illegal Israeli settler, in Burqa, on August 4, 2023
Ma'hmood Abu Sa'an, 18, was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers, in Noor Shams refugee camp, on August 4, 2023 Mu'hammed Farid Al-Zaarir, 15, was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers, in Al-Samou', Hebron, on August 1, 2023 Mohannad Al-Mazra’a, 20, was killed by an Israeli security guard, in Al-Aizariyya, on August 1, 2023

With the exception of killings, the following news stories are just examples, not a systematic record, from:


Killing of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered Three Days Earlier In Nablus

 AUG 19, 2023

Palestinian medical sources have confirmed, Saturday, the death of a young man whom Israeli occupation soldiers shot and seriously injured three days earlier in Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

The sources said that on Wednesday, August 16, the soldiers shot the young man, Mohammad Nasser Daoud Abu Assab, 19, with many live rounds, including to the head, chest, and abdomen, before Palestinian medics rushed him to the Najah Hospital in Nablus, where he succumbed to his serious wounds.

The Palestinian was shot after undercover Israeli soldiers infiltrated the refugee camp and surrounded a home, leading to protests and an exchange of fire with Palestinian fighters.

During the invasion, the soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes and buildings and detonated the home of Abdullah Abu Shallal, in addition to the headquarters of the Fat'h movement.

At the time, the soldiers shot at least three other Palestinians with live fire, including one whom the soldiers abducted, and caused more than 85 Palestinians to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Israeli Occupation Forces Assassinate a Palestinian Man, Bomb His Home, Injure Two Others, in Jenin

 AUG 17, 2023

Israeli occupation forces executed, on Thursday morning, a Palestinian man and destroyed his home, injured two others, and detained two, during a military assault on the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

Israeli occupation  regime special forces invaded, on Thursday morning, followed by a large army force, in the roundabout area, in the Old City of Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

Local Palestinians protested the military incursion, and armed Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the attacking army.

It is important to note that the occupation army announced that one of its soldiers sustained minor injuries during the confrontations, and was transported to hospital.

During the military assault, Israeli forces fired lived rounds and shot three Palestinians, one young man was shot with live rounds in the head, chest, and abdomen.

The death of the young man was confirmed by the Palestinian Ministry of Health who identified him as Mustafa al-Kastouni, 32.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health announced that, “Mustafa al-Kastouni, 32, was martyred after being shot by the occupation in the head, chest and abdomen, during the aggression on Jenin.”

Soldiers destroyed the home of the slain man while he was present inside, although no details were provided regarding the method used by the occupation army.

Furthermore, two additional young men were shot and injured during the Israeli aggression, including a 34-year-old employee of the Ministry of Health, who was shot with two live rounds in the chest and abdomen.

Israeli forces also abducted two young men from the city, identified as Hani al-Kastouni and Hassan al-Hasis.

Sources added that since the beginning of the year, Israeli occupation forces have killed 228 Palestinians.

In the afternoon, large crowds of Palestinian mourners gathered in front of the Martyr Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital in Jenin.

The young men participating in the funeral procession marched the streets of the city, carrying the body of the slain young man on their shoulders.

Mourners travelled to the home of the slain man’s family home, where loved ones said their final goodbyes, before performing the funeral prayer.

The body of the slain man was laid to rest in the martyrs’ cemetery, in the eastern part of the city.

Palestinians declared a comprehensive commercial strike in the city of Jenin to mourn the death of the citizen al-Kastouni.

Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot and Kill Two Palestinians, Including a Child, South of Jericho

 AUG 15, 2023

Israeli occupation forces shot and killed, before dawn on Tuesday, two Palestinians, including a child, during a military incursion into the Aqabat Jabir refugee camp, south of Jericho, in the northeastern part of the West Bank.

Media sources said that the occupation army stormed, in the pre-dawn hours Tuesday, the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp, just south of the ancient city of Jericho.

Israeli soldiers opened fire at local Palestinians under unclear circumstances, however it is presumed that the youths protested the invasion.

There is no mention of resistance from armed Palestinian fighters, however social media videos show an exchange of fire between resistance fighters and the invading army.

During the invasion, soldiers shot and seriously injured two Palestinian civilians, including a child, who were transported to the Jericho Governmental Hospital.

Medical sources said that Qusai Omar al-Walaji, 16, and Muhammad Ribhi Nujoom, 25, were admitted to hospital in critical condition, and both were pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

It was reported that the slain young men were shot with live rounds, however, no further details were provided regarding the nature of the wounds.

The Jericho chapter of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) reported that soldiers abducted Mohammed Nasr Abu Al-Assal, 20, from his home in the camp.

Later Tuesday, hundreds of Palestinians gathered at the Jericho Governmental Hospital to receive the body of Muhammad Ribhi Nujoom, 25, and proceeded to his family home for loved ones to say their final goodbyes.

Mourners performed the funeral prayer, and laid the body of the slain young man to rest in the martyrs’ cemetery, in the Aqabat Jabir refugee camp.

The body of the slain child, Qusai Omar al-Walaji, 16, was held at his family home in the “Katt al-Wad” neighborhood in Jericho city, while loved ones paid their respects.

The funeral procession began from there to the Old Jericho mosque, where the funeral prayer was performed, before the body of the child was laid to rest.

Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot and Kill a Palestinian Man, Injure Eight, in Tulkarem

 AUG 11, 2023

Israeli occupation forces shot and killed, before dawn Friday, a Palestinian young man, and injured eight others, during a military invasion into the Tulkarim refugee camp, in the northwestern part of the West Bank, local sources reported.

Media sources reported that the Israeli army stormed the Tulkarim refugee camp, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, and positioned sharpshooters on the rooftops of civilian homes.

Local Palestinians protested the invasion, while armed Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the occupation army.

Occupation forces opened fire with live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades, shooting one young man, identified as Ma'hmood Jihad Al-Jarad, 23, in the chest with live ammunition.

Al-Jarad was transported to the Martyr Thabit Thabit Governmental Hospital in Tulkarem with critical gun shot wounds to the chest, where doctors pronounced him dead shortly after arrival.

It was added that eight others were also shot with live rounds, one of whom was deemed in serious condition.

On Friday afternoon, large crowds of local Palestinians gathered in front of the Martyr Thabit Thabit Governmental Hospital to receive the body of the slain young man.

Mourners carried the body wrapped in the Palestinian flag, on their shoulders through the streets to the slain young man’s family home in the eastern neighborhood.

Family and loved ones said their final goodbyes, before performing the funeral prayer at the Othman bin Affan Mosque in Tulkarim, before laying his body to rest in the western cemetery in Tulkarim.

Israeli Occupation Forces Shoot, Kill a Palestinian Man, Near Nablus

 AUG 10, 2023

Israeli occupation forces shot and killed, before dawn Thursday, a Palestinian young man, after invading Zawata town, northwest of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

Media sources said that occupation soldiers stormed the town of Zawata, which sparked protests among local Palestinians, there were no reports of an armed exchange with resistance fighters.

Soldiers opened fire, with live ammunition, shooting Amir Ahmed Muhammad Khalfia, 27, with two rounds in the head and back, the Ministry of Health announced.

The young man, a citizen of the Al-'Ain refugee camp (Camp No. 1) in Nablus city, was transported to hospital in critical condition, where medical personnel pronounced him dead shortly after arrival.

According to the slain man’s brother, Khaled, Amir “has been pursued for two years, and he has fought many clashes and survived several assassination attempts recently.”

He added that, “What happened today was an ambush carried out by the occupation forces, as they lured my brother out of the camp, and then assassinated him as soon as he got off his vehicle.”

Later Thursday, hundreds of Palestinians gathered in front of the Rafidia hospital in Nablus, and carried the body of the slain young man through the streets, to his family home in the Al-'Ain refugee camp.

Family members and loved ones said their final goodbyes before his body was buried in the camp cemetery.

Palestinian Child Dies 6 Days After Being Shot by an Illegal Israeli Settler, near Ramallah

 AUG 7, 2023

A Palestinian child died, on Monday, 6 days after he was shot by an illegal Israeli settler, near the “Ofra” settlement, northeast of Ramallah in the central part of the occupied West Bank, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

According to Dr. Ahmed Al-Bitawi, the director of the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, Ramzi Fathi Hamed, 17, died, Monday morning, of a severe pulmonary embolism (blood clot in his lungs), after being shot with live rounds in the chest and abdomen 6 days ago.

On August 1, 2023, Ramzi Fathi Hamed, 17, was driving in the vicinity of the illegal “Ofra” colony, near the town of Silwad, northeast of Ramallah.

One source reported that the man who shot him was the guard of the “Ofra” settlement.

News outlets did not cover the event, however the Ministry of Health and the mayor of Silwad confirmed that the child was shot with live rounds by an Israeli settler.

For his part, Raed Hamed, the mayor of Silwad, confirmed that the child was shot by an illegal Israeli settler on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, while he was inside a vehicle near the “Ofra” colony.

It is important to mention that on Friday, August 4, 2023, an illegal Israeli colonizer shot and killed a Palestinian young man Qusai Jamal Maatan, 19, in Burqa town, east of Ramallah, in the central occupied West Bank.

Israeli Occupation Special Forces Execute Three Palestinians, Including a Child, Near Jenin

 AUG 6, 2023

A special Israeli occupation regime unit executed, on Sunday afternoon, three Palestinians, including a child, while they were in a vehicle near a roundabout in the town of Arraba, southwest of Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

Members of a special Israeli unit, known as the “Yamam” unit, the so-called “counter-terrorism” unit, fired dozens of live rounds at a Palestinian-plated vehicle which was stopped on the side of the road, assassinating all three occupants, who did not pose an immediate threat to the army.

Military reinforcements stormed the town after the attack, to provide backup for the Israeli special forces who carried out the operation.

The Authority for Civil Affairs informed the Ministry of Health of the death of the three men near Arraba town, southwest of Jenin.

The Occupation Army Radio claimed that one of the targeted individuals, identified as Nayef Abu Sweiss, 26, from the Jenin refugee camp, had allegedly carried out prior operations, adding that he, “received military information from the Gaza Strip to carry out operations.”

The army contends that the three slain men were previously implicated in prior operations, and were purportedly planning on carrying out another, without providing details.

The Ministry of Health confirmed that the army denied medical treatment to the young men by preventing ambulance crews from approaching the vehicle.

Sources added that upon the army’s withdrawal from the scene, they towed the heavily damaged vehicle and confiscated the bodies of the three murdered men, while they were still present inside of the vehicle.

The Israeli occupation army attempted to justify the execution of the three men by claiming that, “a special force assassinated a Palestinian cell from the Jenin camp, led by Fayez Abu Sweis, 26, along with two others, and an M16 weapon was found in their possession.”

Later, sources revealed the identities of the three slain young men as, Louay Abu Naasa and Nayef Abu Sweis, 26, both from the Jenin refugee camp, and Baraa Ahmed Fayez al-Qarm, 15, from Jalqamus village, southeast of the city.

Palestinians in the Jenin governorate, along with the family of the slain men gathered, Sunday evening, in the refugee camp and marched to the center of Jenin city, to express their condemnation of the occupation’s murder of the three young men.

Further details revealed that Abu Sweis, was one of the leaders of the “Jenin Brigade” linked to the “Quds Brigades” which is the military wing of the “Islamic Jihad” resistance movement.

Abu Naasa was also a member of the resistance group, while it was not clear whether the 15-year-old al-Qarm was involved in the armed resistance.

Israeli Security Guard Shoots, Kills a Palestinian Man, in Tel Aviv

 AUG 5, 2023

An Israeli security guard shot and killed, on Saturday evening, a Palestinian man, in an alleged shooting attack in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, local sources reported.

On Saturday evening, a Palestinian young man allegedly shot and killed one Israeli security guard, and injured two more Israelis in Tel Aviv, in the central coastal region of Israel.

The Times of Israel quoted Israeli Police Commissioner, Kobi Shabtai, who stated that two security officers approached a “suspect” who pulled out a handgun and opened fire, striking one of the security guards.

The Times of Israeli added that the uninjured security guard chased the man and returned fire, the officer was quoted as saying, “I chased after him and continued shooting until he fell to the ground.”

The injured security officer was identified as Chen Amir, 42, was shot in the head and transported to hospital with critical injuries, which he succumbed to shortly thereafter.

The details of other injuries are unclear, the Times of Israel failed to mention other injuries, however Palestinian media reported three injuries in total.

It was added that the accused shooter was also transported to hospital after being shot multiple times, he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

The accused perpetrator of the shooting was identified as Kamal Abu Bakr, 22, from Rummanah village, northwest of Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank.

Kamal Abu Bakr, 22 According to the Israeli Army Radio, Abu Bakr had been on the army’s “wanted list” for the past six months for allegedly opening fire at occupation forces in the West Bank.

The Times of Israel labelled the alleged shooter as a “terrorist” without mentioning that on Friday, an illegal Israeli settler shot and killed a 19 year old Palestinian young man in the town of Burqa, east of Ramallah, in the central West Bank.

It also omits the details of the 56 years of ongoing military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, or the the daily assault, abductions and attacks against the Palestinian citizens in the West Bank.

This is a breaking news story, not all details are clear at this time, this report will be updated as new information becomes available.

Palestinian Teen Shot Dead During a Settler Invasion, Near Ramallah

 AUG 4, 2023

Illegal Israeli settlers shot and killed, on Friday evening, a Palestinian teenager with live ammunition during an invasion into Burqa town, east of Ramallah, in the central occupied West Bank, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

Local sources reported that large numbers of Israeli settlers invaded the town from the western and northwestern parts of the town, under the full protection of the Israeli occupation army.

Palestinian citizens attempted to confront the settler incursion, however there were greater numbers of settlers, with the security of the army.

The settlers attacked Palestinian residents, hurled rocks at them, and burned two Palestinian-owned vehicles in the town. The Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) announced that a Palestinian teenager was shot with live ammunition by a settler, however there are conflicting reports.

According to medical sources at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), its ambulance crews transported a critically injured youth to hospital stating that the youth was shot by the army.

The critically injured youth, identified by the MoH as Qusai Jamal Maatan, 19, was pronounced dead shortly after arrival to hospital.

It was added that at least two other Palestinian young men were injured by rocks, they were taken to hospital for medical intervention.

It is important to mention that the illegal colonizers brought sheep to the area, with the clear intention of establishing a colonial outpost for grazing their livestock.

This is a breaking story, any new information will be added as it becomes available.

At dawn Friday, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian teenager in the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarim, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli soldiers shot Mahmoud Abu Sa’an, 18, in the head with a live round, reportedly from a short distance, he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival to hospital.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Shoot, Kill a Palestinian Teenager, Near Tulkarim

 AUG 4, 2023

Israeli occupation forces shot and killed, at dawn Friday, a Palestinian teenager in the Noor Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarim, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

Media sources said that the Israeli army stormed the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of Tulkarim, which sparked protests among local Palestinian youths.

It was added that armed Palestinian resistance fighters exchanged fire with the invading army. There were no reports of any injuries among the army.

According to eyewitness reports, the soldiers fired a barrage of live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades at the young men who resisted the incursion.

Israeli soldiers shot Mahmoud Abu Sa’an, 18, in the head with a live round, reportedly from a short distance.

The injured young man was transported to Martyr Thabit Thabit Governmental Hospital, where doctors pronounced him deceased shortly after arrival.

Sources added that Sa’an had just graduated from high school this year.

This is a breaking story, new information will be added as it becomes available.

Israeli Occupation Army Shoots and Kills a 15 Year Old Palestinian Child Near Hebron

 AUG 1, 2023

A Palestinian child was shot and killed, on Tuesday night, after an alleged stabbing attempt, near Al-Samou’ town, south of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, the Ministry of Health confirmed.

The Public Authority for Civil Affairs informed the Ministry of the shooting death of the child near the illegal settlement outpost of “Eshtemoa”, located west of the town.

The Ministry identified the slain child as Mu'hammed Farid Shawqi Al-Zaarir, 15, a ninth grade student, stating that the child was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces.

video on social media shows what appears to be a civilian holding a gun, while an injured person lays on the ground, as a soldier stands watching. Security sources said that occupation forces denied the injured child of medical treatment by blocking ambulance crews from approaching him.

The Israeli occupation regime army radio claimed that an army officer shot the child, after he allegedly attempted to stab a soldier with a knife.

At the time of writing of this report, it is unclear whether or not the army confiscated the body of the slain child.

There were no reports of any injuries among the Israeli army.

Off-Duty Israeli Officer Kills Palestinian Near Jerusalem

 AUG 1, 2023

On Tuesday, an off duty Israeli Border Police officer shot and killed a young Palestinian man near the town of Al-Aizariyya, east of Jerusalem.

According to Israeli forces, the Palestinian had opened fire at Israeli colonial settlers near the entrance to the colony of Ma’ale Adumim, built on lands stolen from Palestinians living mainly in Al-Aizariyya. The sources claimed that six Israelis were wounded before an off-duty Israeli officer shot and killed the shooter.

Among those injured were a 40 year old male in serious condition and a 28 year old male in moderate condition.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the young man who was killed as Mohannad Mohammad Suleiman Al-Mazra’a, 20 years old.

Injuring of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers and Illegal Settlers

Israeli Occupation Forces Injure Dozens of Palestinians, Abduct Three, near Nablus

 AUG 20, 2023

Israeli occupation forces abducted, on Saturday, four Palestinian young men near Nablus and Qalqilia, stormed a number of towns south of Nablus, and injured dozens, including a photojournalist, according to local sources.

On Saturday, occupation forces abducted a Palestinian young man, when he attempted to cross through a flying military roadblock near Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that soldiers abducted Ibrahim Qassem Alaqma, a citizen of Jenin, while he was travelling to his place of work.

Meanwhile, in the Jenin governorate, in the northern West Bank, occupation forces stormed, on Saturday, several towns and villages and set up several flying military roadblocks.

It was reported that the army invaded many towns and villages in the governorate, deployed soldiers throughout the streets, and erected many flying military roadblocks at crossroads and entrances.

Soldiers stormed towns and villages to the west, namely, Ya’bad, Tura al-Gharbiya, Nazlat Zayed, Kafr Qud, al-Hashemiya, and Khirbet al-Turm, and Arraba southwest of the city.

North of Jenin, soldiers invade Al-Jalamah, Dair Ghazaleh to the northeast, and Faqqua, Jalboun, and Beit Qad to the east.

At the “Dotan” military roadblock, near Ya’bad town, west of the city, the army stopped many citizens’ vehicles, interrogated them, inspected their identifications, causing a traffic crisis.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers abducted, on Saturday afternoon, three Palestinian young men from a car wash in the town of Huwara, south of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank.

Sources said that occupation troops abducted Laith Mansour, Helmy Dweikat, and Louay al-Halabi, while they were present inside a carwash facility in the town.

The army is on high alert, after two illegal Israeli settlers were shot and killed, on Saturday afternoon, at the Huwara military roadblock, by an unknown gunman, who was not located at the time of writing this report.

Israeli forces closed the Huwara and Za’tara military roadblocks, south of Nablus, in both directions, and closed the town of Huwara, and forced shop-owners in Huwara to close their shops, while deploying large numbers of soldiers in the vicinity.

The Dair Sharaf junction northwest of the city, the Beit Furik military roadblock, southeast of the city, and the Surra military roadblock to the west, all witnessed heightened inspection procedures, and movement restrictions, causing movement restrictions traffic crises.

Furthermore, the Israeli army stormed the towns surrounding Huwara, namely, Jamma’in, southwest of Nablus, Orif, Einabus, and Beita, to the south, closing the iron gate at the entrance to Beita.

On Saturday evening, the army invaded a mosque and a commercial store in Beita town, looking for surveillance recordings, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths at the entrance to the town. No injuries were reported.

Later in the evening, intense confrontations erupted in Beita town, when Palestinian youths threw rocks at the invading military vehicles, while the army fired a barrage of tear gas canisters at those who protested the incursion.

According to medical sources with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), a journalist was injured while he was covering the events, and at least 72 citizens suffered the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation.

Sources added that photojournalist Wahaj Bani Moufleh was injured, after being struck in the leg with shrapnel from a tear gas canister, and transported to a local medical clinic for treatment.

Late Friday night, one unidentified Palestinian young man was abducted by occupation forces, while another young man was shot and injured by soldiers in the Dahiyat Al-Salam suburb in Anata town, northeast of occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Shoot Child In The Head, In Jerusalem

 AUG 19, 2023

On Saturday, Israeli occupation soldiers shot a Palestinian child with a live round to the head, in Silwan town, south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

Media sources said several army and police vehicles invaded the Al-Wista neighborhood in Silwan, leading to protests.

The soldiers fired several live rounds, wounding a child, Abdul-Rahman Amer Zaghal, 15 years of age, in the head before he was rushed to Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem.

Firas Al-Jebrini, a lawyer with the Wadi Hilweh Information Center In Silwan (Silwanic), said the child underwent surgery to the head and is currently in stable condition, hooked to a respiratory machine at the Pediatrics’ Intensive Care Unit.

Al-Jebrini stated that he managed to see the child after he underwent surgery and said that a soldier shot Abdul-Rahman with a live round in the head and added that the bullet struck his skull above the left eye.

He also said that the Israeli army intends to file charges against the child despite his gunshot wound to the head.

The wounded child’s uncle, Nabil Sharha, denied Israeli military allegations that his nephew was carrying a Molotov cocktail and added that he was heading to the store to buy bread for the family when the soldiers shot him.

Nabil added that the child was only carrying ten shekels in his hand when the army stormed the area and fired sporadic rounds of live fire at Palestinians, protesting the invasion, and in several other directions.

In related news, the soldiers invaded Anata town, northeast of Jerusalem, and shot a young man in the Salam Suburb.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Injure Ten In Kufur Qaddoum

 AUG 19, 2023

On Friday, Israeli occupation soldiers shot ten Palestinians and caused dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation during the weekly process in Kufur Qaddoum, east of Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank.

The Popular Committee against the Annexation Wall & Colonies in Kufur Qaddoum said dozens of Palestinians and international peace activists marched from the center of the town, chanting against the illegal Israeli occupation, constant violations, and the ongoing illegal colonialist activities.

The Committee added that the soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs and stormed homes before occupying their rooftops to use as firing posts and monitoring towers.

It said the soldiers shot ten Palestinians with rubber-coated steel bullets, including one in the abdomen, and caused dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Palestinian villagers from Kufur Qaddoum and the surrounding area, have rallied every Friday since 2003 demanding that the Israeli occupation authorities reopen the road.

Israeli colonists from the nearby illegal “Kedumin” settlement, established on expropriated Palestinian lands, have full access to the street, while Palestinians are forced to take longer routes to Nablus city, the nearest major commercial center, causing undue hardship.

Israeli Occupation Forces Injure Dozens of Palestinians, Abduct Two, Near Jenin

 AUG 17, 2023

Israeli occupation forces injured, on Wednesday evening, dozens of Palestinian youths, after invading Ya’bad town, west of Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank, and abducted two others northwest of the city, according to local sources.

Media sources said that the occupation army invaded the town of Ya’bad, west of Jenin, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths.

Soldiers stormed a number of neighborhoods and fired tear gas canisters at those who resisted the incursion, causing dozens of Palestinians to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation.

Meanwhile, the military increase its forces in the villages surrounding Ya’bad, storming the village of Tura al-Gharbiya, west of Jenin, and fired concussion grenades and illumination bombs. No injuries were reported.

Furthermore, occupation soldiers abducted Amir al-Ja’bari and Laith Smoudi, both residents of Al-Yamoun town, while they were driving through the Salem military roadblock, northwest of Jenin, at the 1949 Armistice Agreement Line (Green Line) that separates the occupied West Bank from Israel.

On Thursday morning, Israeli forces executed a Palestinian man, destroyed his home, and injured two others during a military assault on the city of Jenin.

Israeli Occupation Forces Injure Dozens of Palestinians, One Seriously, Bomb Two Buildings, Near Nablus

 AUG 16, 2023

Israeli occupation forces attacked and injured, late Tuesday night, dozens of Palestinians, including one seriously, in the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, according to local sources.

The military invaded the camp, just after it stormed the eastern part of Nablus in order to secure the illegal settlers’ incursion into the Joseph’s Tomb site, east of the city.

During the earlier attack, one Palestinian young man was shot in the head with a tear gas canister, 30 sustained inhalation injuries, and one suffered an injury from a fall.

Afterwards, the army invaded the Balata camp, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths, which soldiers responded to by firing live rounds, and tear gas canisters.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society medics reported that occupation soldiers shot and critically injured one young man with a live round in the chest.

Sources added that soldiers abducted the seriously injured man while medical staff was providing emergency medical attention.

The identity of the critically injured man was not known at the time of writing this report, although reports state that one injured man was taken to An-Najah National University Hospital in Nablus.

They also stated that the army obstructed and assaulted medical crews, and prevented their entry into the camp, after closing all entrances.

Medical sources added that six others were injured with shrapnel (live bullet fragments), two of whom were transported to hospital, while the others were treated on site.

In addition, the PRCS said that at least 85 civilians suffered the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation, all of whom were given medical care on site.

Furthermore, sources said that two young men sustained injuries as a result of falls, both were treated at the scene.

Adding to all of the injuries inflicted on the Palestinian population in the region, soldiers bombed a civilian home, belonging to the family of Abdullah Abu Shalal, as well as Fatah headquarters.

Finally, it was reported that the army fired live rounds at the press who were attempting to obtain media coverage of the assault.

Additional information regarding this incursion will be provided once it becomes available.

Abduction of Palestinians by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Occupation Forces Abduct Several Palestinians From Jenin, Nablus, and Jerusalem

 AUG 18, 2023

Israeli occupation forces, abducted, on Thursday evening and Friday, several Palestinian citizens from separate parts of the West Bank, in addition to injuring several people during a military incursion into Jenin, local sources reported.

On Thursday evening, occupation forces abducted Hani Abdel-Latif Abu Aoun, at the Salem military camp, northwest of Jenin, in the northern West Bank, after he was summoned by intelligence services for interrogation.

Israeli forces invaded Ya’bad town, west of Jenin, on Thursday evening, and abducted Louay Muhammad Tayseer Al-Barq, in addition to storming surrounding villages, and obstructing traffic at the “Dotan” military roadblock.

At sawn Friday, occupation forces stormed the several neighborhoods in the city of Jenin, the town of Qabatiya, to the south, and the village of ash-Shuhada, to the southwest.

Local Palestinian youths protested the incursion, which soldiers responded to by firing live rounds, concussion grenades, and tear gas canisters, causing a number of young men to sustain inhalation injuries from tear gas exposure.

Additionally, soldiers escalated their presence in the vicinity of Ya’bad town, Burqin town, and Tura al-Gharbiya village, to the west of the city.

On Friday morning, soldiers stopped Ahmed Jamal Fahmawi, at the Barta’a military roadblock, west of Jenin, before abducting him, and inside of Israel, police abducted Moamen Sa’abneh, both young men are citizens of the Jenin governorate.

According to the director of the Tubas chapter of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, Kamal Bani Odeh, Israeli forces abducted a member of the Tubas Municipal Council, Ahmed Muhammad Daraghmeh, when he tried to pass through the “Shavei Shomron” military roadblock, northwest of Nablus, in the northern West Bank.

Meanwhile, Israeli soldiers abducted, on Friday, Ahmed Dahbour, Musab Ghazaleh, and Moamen Hashim, in the vicinity of Bab al-Hatta, one of the main entrances to Old City of occupied Jerusalem.

Furthermore, Israeli soldiers abducted, on Friday morning, Uday Ghaith, from in front of his home in Silwan town, occupied East Jerusalem. It is important to mention that Uday is the son of the Jerusalem governor, Adnan Ghaith.

The Israeli Occupation Army Abducts Six Palestinians, in the Occupied West Bank

 AUG 17, 2023

Israeli forces stormed, on Thursday, a number of towns and villages in the occupied West Bank, and abducted six Palestinians, in addition to two others who were abducted during the army’s aggression on Jenin, local sources reported.

The Israeli occupation army invaded, on Thursday, the northeastern West Bank city of Tubas, and abducted two former prisoners, in addition to opening live fire into the air.

According to Kamal Bani Odeh, the director of the Tubas chapter of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS), Israeli forces broke into and searched the homes of Rami Ayman Shraideh, 32, and Omar Muhammad Daraghmeh, 33, before abducting them.

In the northern West Bank, soldiers invaded and searched, on Thursday, several Palestinian homes, without making any arrests, and opened fire at a vehicle after storming Burqa village, northwest of Nablus. There were no reports of injuries.

The army announced that one of its soldiers was “hit by a bullet, and his injury was described as minor,” however there was no reports of any armed Palestinian resistance fighters in the area at the time.

Meanwhile, Israeli troops stormed and searched, on Thursday, the home of Abdel-Khaleq Barnat, in Bil’in town, west of Ramallah, in the central West Bank, before abducting him.

In occupied Jerusalem, occupation forces invaded and ransacked, on Wednesday night, the home of a correspondent with the Al-Hayat Al-Jadida newspaper, Diala Jweihan.

Jweihan said that a Israeli forces, and police raided her home in the “Al-Thawri” neighborhood, assaulted her family, and damaged their belongings.

Furthermore, on Thursday, Israeli soldiers abducted Amin Abdullah Abu Ahour, 27, after storming and searching his home in the village of Hindaza, southeast of Bethlehem, in the southern West Bank.

North of Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank, Israeli troops invaded and ransacked the homes of Mohammed Sabarneh and Moamen Salibi, in Beit Ummar town, before abducting them.

Earlier Thursday, during the military assault on the city of Jenin, Israeli forces executed Mustafa al-Kastouni, 32, shot and injured 2 others, and abducted Hani al-Kastouni and Hassan al-Hasis.

Israeli Occupation Forces Abduct 23 Palestinians, Including Children, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

 AUG 16, 2023

Israeli occupation forces abducted on Wednesday, at least 23 Palestinian civilians, in the West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip, attacking fishermen and seizing their boat, according to local sources.

In the northeastern part of the occupied West Bank, soldiers stopped, on Wednesday, a number of vehicles, detained and interrogated young men, and abducted Hussein Adel Darsieh at the “Anabta” military roadblock, east of Tulkarem.

According to the Tulkarem chapter of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS), Israeli forces abducted three Palestinians, including at least one child, near the Nour Shams refugee camp, east of the city.

They were identified as Ahmed Hashim Alyan, 18, Muhammad Moayad Alyan, and Ayash Yasser Hassan, 16. They three were taken to a detention center.

On Tuesday, the army invaded the homes of the brothers Nadi Al-Helou and Mahmoud Hassan Al-Helou, in the town of Bal’a, northeast of Tulkarem, in the northeastern West Bank, before abducting them.

In the northern West Bank city of Jenin, occupation troops abducted, at dawn Wednesday, Akram al-Hamdan, Obeida al-Saydili, and Qassam al-Fayed, after storming their homes in the “Jabriyat” neighborhood.

It was added that the army stormed Burqin town to the west and Ash-Shuhada village, which sparked protests among local Palestinian youths. No injuries were reported.

In the central part of the West Bank, soldier invaded and searched, at dawn Wednesday, the home of Muhammad al-Bazzar, in Surda town, north of Ramallah, before abducting him.

Meanwhile, undercover Israeli agents kidnapped, on Wednesday, three brothers from in front of a bakery in Qatanna town, northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

The young men were identified as Muhammad Zakaria al-Hayek, Mujahid al-Hayek, and Nabil al-Hayek.

On Wednesday morning, soldiers abducted Uday Abu Al-Saad, a guard at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, after storming the Shu’fat refugee camp in the northeastern region of occupied East Jerusalem.

The Israeli occupation army invaded the homes of Muhammad Essam Idkidek and Omar Saqr, in Al-Eizariya town, east of occupied Jerusalem, before abducting them.

Soldiers stormed Abu Dis village, east of occupied Jerusalem, and abducted Ahmed Ayyad.

Meanwhile, soldiers abducted Mohammed Khalil Hamdan, after breaking into his home in Anata town, northeast of occupied Jerusalem.

The Israeli army abducted two Palestinian children, Muhammad Salman Al-Shweiki, 12, and Luay Hidayah, 14, from Silwan town, in the occupied city of Jerusalem, after storming their family homes in the “Al-Thawri” neighborhood.

In the southern occupied West Bank, the army stormed and searched the home of former prisoner, Atef Muhammad Thawabteh, 28, in Beit Fajjar town, southwest of Bethlehem, before abducting him.

Furthermore, according to the Fishermens’ Syndicate, the Israeli Navy attacked, on Wednesday, a Palestinian-owned fishing boat, off the northern coast of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Two fishermen were sailing in the Mediterranean Sea, three miles northwest of Gaza City, in the Al-Waha area, when Navy ship attacked the small fishing vessel, abducted its occupants, identified as, Awad Fathi Al-Sultan, 35, and Ghaith Abu Aoun, 26, and confiscated their privately-owned fishing boat.

Demolition of Palestinian Homes and Property by Israeli Occupation Regime Soldiers

Israeli Occupation regime soldiers Demolish Palestinian-owned Structures, Raze Farm Land, in the West Bank

 AUG 18, 2023

On Thursday, Israeli occupation regime soldiers razed farm land, demolished a residential structure, an industrial facility, and seized building materials, affecting Palestinian citizens in separate regions of the occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

In the northwestern part of the occupied West Bank, occupation authorities denied Palestinian farmers access to their lands behind the illegal Apartheid wall near the city of Qalqilia.

Two Palestinian farmers Ali Mohammad Nofal and Abdullah Ismail Zaid, both found notices on the gates from which they use to access their crops, stating that they are not allowed to enter their farmlands to tend their crops.

In the village of Qusra. southeast of Nablus, in the northern West Bank, occupation bulldozers razed, on Thursday, Palestinian-owned farmlands, according to a local activist.

Fouad Hassan stated that occupation forces, using bulldozers, levelled agricultural lands belonging to Palestinian farmers, with the intent to extend power lines to serve two illegal colonial outposts in the area.  

In the northeastern part of the West Bank, Israeli forces dismantled a Palestinian-owned caravan in Khirbet Humsa al-Tahta, southeast of Tubas, in the northern Jordan Valley.

Local activist, Moataz Bisharat, said that the army knocked down and confiscated a residential caravan belonging to Jaafar Abdul Basset Bisharat.

Bsharat added that the structure was donated to Bisharat by international institutions, after occupation authorities demolished his home in July.

In the central West Bank, Israeli forces stormed, on Thursday, the village of Sarta, west of Salfit, and demolished an industrial facility belonging to Palestinian citizen, Muhammad Ali Sarsour.

According to the head of the Sarta village council, Ibrahim al-Khatib, the army invaded the village, backed with military vehicles, and demolished a 200-square-meter blacksmith workshop.

Furthermore, on Thursday, Israeli authorities stopped a Palestinian citizen from restoring a cave, which he and six other members of his family live, in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank.

Rateb al-Jubour, coordinator of the Popular and National Committees to Resist the Wall and Settlements, stated that Israeli soldiers stormed the “Janba” area in Masafer Yatta, and confiscated building materials and equipment from Aziz Shehdeh Ammar.

Israeli Occupation Regime Bulldozers Destroy a School Serving the Palestinian Bedouin Community, Near Ramallah

 AUG 17, 2023

Israeli occupation regime soldiers demolished, on Wednesday, a school in the village of Kafr Malik, northeast of Ramallah, in the central West Bank, according to local sources.

Hassan Malihat, the general supervisor of Al-Baydar Organization for the Defense of Bedouin Rights, said that Israeli forces bulldozed the “Ein Samiya” school, which serves the Palestinian Bedouin community in Kafr Malik, northeast of Ramallah.

The head of the Kafr Malik village council, Najeh Rustom, confirmed that Israeli forces stormed the “Al-Qaboun” community, accompanied by military bulldozers, and demolished the only school in the village, serving 50 students from grades 1 through 9.

Rustom further stated that illegal Israeli settlers attacked the school just days ago, smashing the windows, and damaging the contents of the school.

He added that many of the local residents were displaced as a result of the escalating settler attacks against the community.

A new report from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that, “The school served pupils from the few Palestinian families remaining in the herding community of Ein Samiya, following the displacement of most of the community amid settler violence and diminishing grazing land.”

“According to UNICEF, 3 schools have been demolished across the West Bank in the last 12 months, impacting 78 students.”

The report added that according to UNICEF, at least 58 other schools in the occupied West Bank face similar risk of demolition by the Israeli authorities.

The Israeli Occupation Army Demolishes Barracks, Razes Land, and Confiscates a Crane, in the West Bank

 AUG 10, 2023

Israeli occupation forces delivered, on Wednesday, stop work notices to eight Palestinian citizens, demolished barracks, razed land, and confiscated a crane, in separate parts of the occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

On Wednesday, Israeli forces delivered eight stop-work orders to Palestinian citizens in Sinjil town, northeast of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that the army stormed the town, and handed Khaled Khalil an order to cease the restoration work on his home, while seven other citizens received stop-construction on their homes.

It was added that illegal Israeli colonizers, under the protection of the army, blocked farmers from tending to their own agricultural land and threatened to kill them.

There were no reports of confrontations or injuries.

Meanwhile, in Silwan town, occupied East Jerusalem, occupation forces demolished barracks and razed lands belonging to Khaled al-Zeer, under the pretext of lacking an Israeli issued building permit.

According to Osama Makhamreh, a local anti-settlement activist, Israeli forces confiscated a crane owned by the Khallet Mayeh village council, and prohibited further electrical work south of Hebron, in the southern West Bank.

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Demolish A Commercial Facility Near Salfit, Raze Lands, and Uproot Trees in Near Hebron

 AUG 1, 2023

Israeli occupation soldiers demolished, on Monday, a Palestinian-owned commercial structure near Salfit, in the central West Bank, and razed farmlands near Hebron, in the south, local sources reported.

Occupation forces demolished, on Tuesday, a 200 square-meter commercial facility in Deir Ballut town, west of Salfit, in the central part of the occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

Media sources stated that Israeli bulldozers razed the structure, which belonged to local citizen Ahmed Khalil Abdullah, under the pretext of not having an Israeli issued permit to build.

Meanwhile, occupation bulldozers razed agricultural lands, planted with crops, and stone retaining walls near the southern West Bank city of Hebron, local sources reported.

Israeli occupation forces razed, on Tuesday, Palestinian-owned land and uprooted trees belonging to Muhammad Abdel Fattah Abu Sakour, in Tarqumiyah, northwest of the city.

Abu Sakour said that occupation forces, brought a military bulldozer with them to his property, razed at least two dunams of land, and uprooted 40 olive and grapevine trees.

West of the city, in the village of Khirbet Soba, soldiers invaded the village, bulldozed at least 3 dunams of agricultural lands, uprooted dozens of almond and citrus trees, and demolished stone retaining walls belonging to local citizen, Maram Munjid Al-Awiwi.

Furthermore, on Monday, Israeli authorities issued a cease-construction order against an under-construction home in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.

According to local activist, Osama Makhamra, Israeli soldiers invaded the area and ordered that the owner of the home, Muhammad Ali al-Hathlin in addition to other workers to stop working on the home, forcing them to take the concrete out of the area.

In. related news, Israeli soldiers stormed the archaeological site in Sebastia town, northwest of Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank.

According to the head of the Sebastia municipality, Mohammad Azem, a large army forces invaded the archaeological site and conducted a survey of the Roman amphitheater.

Mohammad Azem, head of the Sebastia municipality, told WAFA that a large unit of Israeli soldiers raided the archaeological site, conducting a survey of the area of the Roman amphitheater.


Illegal Israeli Settlers' Violations and Attacks Against the Palestinian People

Illegal Israeli Settler Runs Over a Palestinian Woman, in Hebron

 AUG 18, 2023

An illegal Israeli settler ran over, on Thursday evening, a Palestinian woman in the “Tel Rumeida” neighborhood in Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

Eyewitnesses said that an Israeli settler, driving a motorcycle, purposely struck and injured a Palestinian woman, while she was in the “Tel Rumeida” neighborhood in the center of the city of Hebron.

Sources added that medics were in the vicinity and treated her at the scene, while the perpetrator fled the scene, avoiding accountability.

Meanwhile, attacked homes in the city, and harassed Palestinian citizens, at the same time occupation soldiers were invading and searching Palestinian homes in the area.

In related news, on Tuesday, an Israeli settler on a motorized bicycle, deliberately struck a Palestinian child while he was riding a scooter, in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem.

Illegal Israeli Settlers Erect a New Outpost, Destroy Water Network, Near Nablus

 AUG 14, 2023

Illegal Israeli settlers established, on Monday, a new settlement outpost on Palestinian-owned lands, and destroyed a water network, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, according to a local official.

South of Nablus, Israeli settlers erected a number of caravans on the lands of Burin village, near the illegal “Yitzhar” colony, built on expropriated Palestinian land.

According to the official who monitors Israeli violations and colonialist activities in northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, Israeli colonizers erected mobile homes on Burin village lands, near the “Yitzhar” settlement.

Daghlas added that this action is a scheme to take over more Palestinian land for the exclusive benefit of settlers and the expansion of the existing colony.

Meanwhile, another group of settlers stormed Khirbet Tana village, which is part of the town of Beit Furik, southeast of Nablus, and damaged water pipelines that supply water to Palestinians in the area.

Ghassan Daghlas said that illegal Israeli colonists invaded the village and destroyed water pipelines measuring two kilometers in length, adding that this is the seventh time that settlers have destroyed the same pipeline.

Illegal Israeli Settlers Attack, Injure Three Palestinians in Occupied Jerusalem

 AUG 10, 2023

Illegal sraeli settlers attacked and injured, on Thursday, three Palestinian youths in occupied East Jerusalem, and destroyed water pipelines in Kisan village, near Bethlehem, local sources reported.

In the “Al-Thawri” neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, illegal Israeli settlers attacked three Palestinian young men who were present at a public park in the city.

The settlers assaulted the three youths, and one of the colonists stabbed a young man with an unknown sharp object.

All three Palestinian young men sustained bruises, while one sustained lacerations to his head from the sharp item.

The wounded youths were all transported to hospital, no further information was provided regarding their conditions.

In related news, illegal Israeli colonizers stormed Palestinian-owned lands and destroyed a network of water pipelines, in Kisan village, south of Bethlehem, in the southern occupied West Bank.

According to local activist, Ahmed Ghazal, settlers from the nearby illegal “Ma’ale Amos” colony, wrecked a drinking water network in the “Khallet al-Hamr area” southeast of Kisan village, belonging to local farmer Hassan Yusef al-Abayyat.

An Illegal Israeli Settler Runs Over, Critically Injures a Palestinian Child, Near Bethlehem

 AUG 6, 2023

A four-year-old Palestinian boy is in critical condition, Sunday evening, after being struck by a vehicle driven by an illegal Israeli settler, in Kisan village, south of Bethlehem, in the southern occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

According to the head of the Kisan village council, Moosa Ebayat, an illegal Israeli settler ran over the Palestinian child, Jibril Sawarka, 4, with his vehicle, and fled the scene of the crime.

Reports stated that the child was in front of his father’s home, located near the main street, when the child was struck and seriously injured.

He was transported to the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation in Beit Jala, northwest of Bethlehem, where he remains on life support, in critical condition.

This is a breaking news story, any new information will be added to this report as it becomes available.

It is important to note that just 2 days ago, another Israeli settler ran over a 4-year-old Palestinian child in the city of Hebron, in the southern West Bank.

An Illegal Israeli Settler Runs Over, Injures a Four-Year-Old Palestinian Child, in Hebron

 AUG 4, 2023

An illegal Israeli settler ran over, on Friday evening, a four-year-old Palestinian child in Hebron, in the southern occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

The child, identified as Joud al-Fakhori, 4, was struck by a vehicle driven by an illegal colonist, in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the center of Hebron.

Media sources said the child sustained bruises and a fractured leg from the impact.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society medical crew transported the child via ambulance to the Hebron Governmental Hospital for medical intervention.

The child’s condition was reported as stable.

According to eyewitness reports, the child was walking on the street in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood, when an Israeli colonist ran him over and subsequently fled the scene.



PCHR: “Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Weekly Update | August 10–16, 2023)”

 AUG 18, 2023

Violation of Right to Life and Bodily Integrity

Four Palestinians, including a child, were killed, and 20 others, including 2 children, were wounded, while dozens of others suffocated and sustained bruises in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) attacks in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

Details are as follows:

On 10 August 2023, Ameer Ahmad Khalifa (24), member of the Palestinian armed groups and resident of Al-‘Ain refugee camp in northwestern Nablus, was killed after IOF opened fire at him, wounding him with two bullets in the head and back after an exchange of fire during IOF incursion into Zuta village in Nablus.

On 11 August 2023, Mahmoud Jihad ‘Abed Jarad (24), was killed, and 8 others were wounded by IOF fire during their incursion into Tulkarm and Tulkarm refugee camp. Jarad was shot with a live bullet in the chest when he was in a gas station with another young man on a motorcycle and during IOF incursion into the area, noting that Jarad was unarmed, and the area did not witness any events.

On 15 August 2023, Qusay ‘Omar Suleiman Al-Walaji (16), and Mohammad Nujoom (25) who was a member of the Palestinian armed groups, were killed by IOF fire during the latter’s incursion into ‘Aqbat Jaber refugee camp, south of Jericho.

Meanwhile, those injured were victims of excessive use of force that accompanied IOF incursions into cities and villages, or suppression of peaceful protests organized by Palestinian civilians.

On 11 August 2023, 4 Palestinians were wounded with rubber bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest against settlements in Qalqilya.

On 12 August 2023, 2 Palestinians, including a child, were wounded with rubber bullets during IOF’s suppression of Kafr Qaddum weekly peaceful protest against settlements in Qalqilya.

On 15 August 2023, IOF opened fire at a Palestinian vehicle near Hawara checkpoint at Nablus’s eastern entrance, wounding the driver and then arresting him without knowing his condition.

On the same day, 3 Palestinians were injured, one in serious condition, by IOF’s fire during their incursion into Nablus.

In the Gaza Strip, on 12 August 2023, two fishermen, including a child, were injured with rubber-coated bullets by IOF on the Israeli gunboats stationed off the northern Gaza Strip.  Both fishermen were then arrested, and their boat was confiscated after intercepting it; however, they were later released. This week, 6 fishermen were arrested in 3 separate incidents after their boats were intercepted and chased off the northern Gaza Strip. All of them were later released.

So far in 2023, IOF attacks have killed 212 Palestinians, including 105 civilians; amongst them 38 children, 6 women and a person with disability, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 7 children, 9 killed by settlers, and two died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 1035 Palestinians, including 152 children, 30 women and 16 journalists, were injured in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Land Razing, Demolitions, Notices, and Settlement

On 10 August 2023, IOF forced Tamer Al-Bakri to self-demolish 45 sqms of his 80-sqm house that he added to the house 10 years ago in Beit Hanina in East Jerusalem upon an Israeli municipal decision under the pretext of unlicensed construction, noting that it houses two families of 5, including two women and two children.

On the same day, the Israeli Court issued a ruling ordering Mrs. Noura Sub Laban to pay 47,187 shekels in compensation to the Israeli police and settlers to cover the costs of her eviction in ‘Aqbat Al-Khalidiyah neighborhood in the Old City in favor of the settlers last July.

On 14 August 2023, the Israeli municipality distributed demolition notices to dozens of commercial and industrial facilities in the industrial zone of Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, under the pretext of unlicensed construction, noting that the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem revealed in 2020 its intention to implement two huge settlement projects on the ruins of Palestinian facilities in the area.

On the same day, dozens of Israeli settlers, Israeli Municipality employees and police moved into Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in Silwan village in occupied East Jerusalem, where they leveled a plot of land near the village’s entrance as a prelude to seize it and turn it into a parking lot for settlers. The Israeli municipality employees along with Israeli settlers placed iron plates at the entrance to ‘Ein Silwan area in the neighborhood to establish a gate there and then took over it. However, many residents confronted the employees, forced them out of the village and then removed the iron plates.   

Also, IOF razed stone chains and uprooted 120 olive seedlings planted on 6 dunums during their incursion into Beit Sira village, west of Ramallah, under the pretext of being in Area “C” and near the annexation wall.

On 15 August 2023, IOF levelled 40 forest trees and confiscated solar searchlights, wooden chairs, and a tennis table from a park in Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit.

On 16 August 2023, IOF handed a cease-construction notice to a house in al-Bowaib village in Hebron, under the pretext of unlicensed construction. It is worth noting that the house’s owner was supposed to move in with his family of 7, including 5 children.

Also, IOF seized a bulldozer from Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of Salfit, under the pretext of working in Area “C”.

Since the beginning of 2023, IOF have made 136 families homeless, a total of 796 persons, including 174 women and 352 children. This was the outcome of IOF demolition of 137 houses; 34 were forcibly self-demolished by their owners and 14 were demolished on grounds of collective punishment. IOF also demolished 99 other civilian objects, razed other property, and delivered dozens of notices of demolition and cease-construction in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Settler-attacks and Retaliatory Acts

On 10 August 2023, Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian, who was in his land in southern Bani Na’im village in Hebron, and tried to tear documents that were in his vehicle proving his ownership to the land. 

On 16 August 2023, Israeli settlers demolished two agricultural rooms in Khelet al-‘Adra area in eastern Yatta in Hebron.

Since the beginning of the year, settlers have conducted at least 296 attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property. As a result, 7 Palestinians were killed, and dozens of others were injured; most of them due to being beaten and thrown with stones. Also, dozens of houses, vehicles and civilian facilities were set ablaze.

Israeli Closure, Restrictions on Freedom of Movement, and Collective Punishment

Israeli occupation maintains its illegal and inhuman 17-year closure on the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, IOF continue to impose restrictions on the freedom of movement. On top of its 110 permanent checkpoints, IOF established 131 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, and arrested Palestinians at those checkpoints.

On 10 August 2023, IOF closed the dirt roads connecting At-Tabaqa village with Um Hathora area and Khelet Taha, southwest of Hebron, with stones and sand berms, blocking residents’ way to their houses and forcing them to take other long roads that are 10 kilometers away.

This closure comes after the Israeli authorities allowed Israeli settlers from “Negohot” settlement established on the southern side of the area to work with their bulldozers on the Palestinians’ lands confiscated in favor of the settlement pastoral expansion. This happened after the Israeli authorities declared 10 days ago that at least 192 dunums are closed military zone to the Palestinians.

On the same day, the Israeli Municipality in Jerusalem inaugurated “Hutzot Hayotzer” international festival at the Sultan’s Pool, 100 meters away from the southwestern side of the Jerusalem wall. The festival was attended by thousands of settlers and tourists, blocking traffic in Silwan village, restricting the residents’ movement, and making noises due to the settlers’ parties that lasted until dawn.

On 14 August 2023, IOF seized a vehicle belonging to a person with a motor disability while he was crossing al-Jab’ military checkpoint in occupied East Jerusalem. The owner of the vehicle, Shadi Ishaq Yunis Daraghmah (33), a former detainee, said that while he was driving his adapted vehicle heading to his house in Qalandia refugee camp, IOF stopped him, forced him to step out of his vehicle despite his disability and detained him for hours; during which, he was subject to degrading treatment. IOF checked his ID card and then seized his vehicle.

So far in 2023, IOF have established 3,823 temporary military checkpoints and arrested tens of Palestinians at those checkpoints.


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